Chapter 5

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Papyrus skipped up alongside his brother as him, Sans, and Frisk walked out of MTT Studios.
"So Sans, how did you find out about Grillby's spaghetti cooking contest?" Papyrus asked curiously. Sans panicked and looked down to Frisk, they shrugged and looked off into the distance as they all walked. Clearing his throat, Sans said, "Well bro, I saw a flyer somewhere. Don't remember tho." Papyrus merely nodded and the continued on their way to Grillby's.

A little bell rung as Sans pushed open the doors. Several other monsters greeted him.
"Hello Sans!"
"Hiya Sansy!"
"Hi Sans!"
"Hey guys." Sans replied as the trio made their way to the three open stools at the bar. Waving to Grillby, Sans caught his attention and he made his way to them. Grillby was a tall, hot headed bartender (da dum tiss). His voice was calm and soothing, and he always listened to Sans' issues when he came late at night.
"Hey Grillbz." The small skeleton said as he plopped down onto the stool. "How are ya? How's the family?"
"Heh, heya Sans. Everyone's great. I see Papyrus and Frisk are doing good too." Grillby replied, waving to Papyrus and smiling at Frisk. They both waved back.
"So Grillby, Sans told me you are having a spaghetti cooking contest?" Papyrus asked, eyes sparkling like a child's. Grillby looked to Sans, who's eyes widened and shrugged.
"Um..yeah sorry Papyrus, there wasn't enough people to sign up so I cancelled." He said calmly. Papyrus chuckled.
"Nyeh heh heh! I bet they were all too scared to compete against me, The Great Papyrus!" He said proudly with his one hand to his chest. Sans chuckled and let out a small sigh of relief. Suddenly, their was loud music coming from the TV hanging up above the bar. A tall, shiny robot spoke to the screen in a very sassy voice.
"Hello darlings! It's me, your favorite role model, Mettaton!" The robot said, throwing his hand onto his hip and waving with the other. Papyrus gasped and turned his full attention to the screen. "Just wanted to let you all know that I will have a live show airing tomorrow at 8 in the evening!"
"Sans! That's the show we're going to! We'll be on live television!" Papyrus said loudly, even though his brother was right beside him. Sans nodded and turned to Grillby.
"What's up with him?" The man asked.
"He's got a crush on the ol' bucket of bolts." Sans replied, annoyance in his voice. Grillby laughed and turned back to the taller skeleton.

~ the next evening ~

"Cmon Sans! The shows about to start!" Papyrus said as him, his brother, and their human friend made it to the front of the stage. They received special tickets from their robotic friend, giving them the pleasure to watch from the front row.
After about 10 minutes of waiting, the lights dimmed and smoke poured out onto the stage. Screams and cheers erupted from behind them, yet the only sound that came from Papyrus was a gasp.
Music began to play loudly, sending rhythm into everyone's bodies, causing them to bounce to the beat of the music. Farther back on the stage stood the figure everyone knew and loved, Mettaton. He was standing in his signature pose, legs spread, and arms open wide, as if ready for a hug. His body swayed to the beat, then he stood up straight and made his way to center stage. Screams got louder and people began to clap. Papyrus was excited, yet not much noise came from him, just a look of awe.
"Hello beauties and gentlebeauties!" Mettaton waved to the crowd. He let them ease down and then began to speak once again. "So on today's show, I will be presenting you with a new special segment!" He paused as cheers got louder, he laughed and lowered his hands, signaling them all to quiet. "We will also be doing another 'Ask Mettaton!', and considering that this is a live broadcast, it will be interactive with the viewers at home! Around the time of the segment a phone number will appear on the bottom of the screen, that's your cue to call. To finish off the show, I'll have a special dance performance for you all. Doesn't today's show sound fantastic?" He asked, grinning. The crowd cheered once again. "Haha yes! Let's get started then!" He said as he walked farther back onto the stage and the lights changed from dim and yellow to bright white.
"So for this new segment, we will be interviewing a special guest!" The crowd erupted in ooooo's and ahhhhh's. Papyrus made eye contact with the robot, who smiled and gave him a wink. Blushing, the skeleton waited for him to continue. "Now time to welcome them. Everyone give big hand to my lovely friend, Papyrus!" He said and the crowd clapped loudly. Sans gasped and his left eye quickly flashed a bright a blue aura before returning back to white. Papyrus blushed even harder as he climbed the stairs and stood next to Mettaton. "Oh don't be so nervous Papy-dear! Everyone seems delighted to meet you, right beauties?" He asked, the crowd responding in several cheers and whistles. Mettaton giggled and continued. "Take a seat darling." He said as a desk and 2 chairs were being lowered from the ceiling. The crowd oooooh'ed as they touched the floor. Both of them took a seat.
"Say hello to the fans Papy!" Mettaton said as he pointed to the crowd.
"Heh-hello everyone!" Papyrus said as he waved, overwhelmed from all the sudden attention. The crowd waved back.
"So Papyrus, tell us all about your family." Mettaton said, leaning on his two arms, which propped up his chin on the desk.
"Heh, okay. Well, I live with my brother, Sans, and our human friend, Frisk. Hello Sans! Hello Frisk!" The skeleton said, waving to the two from the front row. They were both surprised by the attention, waving back hesitantly. Mettaton laughed.
"Papyrus, what do you do as a job?"
"Well, I work for the Royal Guard-" he began to say, interrupted by the crowd's oooooo's, causing him to laugh and continue. "and I make the best spaghetti! Nyeh heh heh!" He said confidently, becoming comfortable with the attention. The crowd applauded. Mettaton nodded and turned to the sea of monsters and very few humans.
"How about one day we invite Papyrus to guest star on our cooking segment?" He asked, resulting in the crowd cheering and applauding. Papyrus smiled. "Now tell me Papy, how do you feel being here on stage with me right now?" Mettaton smirked.
"Well Mettaton, I feel honored. Being on stage with the one I love is-" Papyrus stopped and covered his mouth, blushing and turning to the audience. The crowd was dead silent, the suddenly, the whole room filled with loud AWWWWW's and squeals. Papyrus laughed awkwardly before trying to continue. "It is truly a wonderful experience." He nodded.
Mettaton touched his metallic chest as if to touch his heart, (even though his heart was lower on his body) and smiled to the crowd.
"Isn't he a doll?" The crowd applauded. Turning back to the skeleton before him, he leaned in and touched Papyrus' chin, rubbing his finger along his jawline and then pulling his hand away. The skeleton shuddered slightly and the crowd went wild. Squeals were heard from all over, except from Sans. He was standing there, fidgeting uncomfortably as the robot was getting extremely close to his brother.
"Well, time for a commercial break, brought to you by the MTT Burger Emporium! We'll be back in a few darlings!" Mettaton waved until a red light turned off near the camera. Some of the crowd left the room to use the restrooms and get snacks, meanwhile  Papyrus ran off stage to Sans and Frisk.
"Did you guys see that? DID YOU SEE HOW CLOSE METTATON WAS TO ME? HEH HEH HEH HEH HEH! THE GREAT PAPYRUS IS IRRESISTIBLE!" Papyrus shouted happily as he hugged them both.
"Yeah we saw it bro, heh heh." Sans said non-enthusiastically.

Yeah, we saw it."

So that's chapter 5! I know, it's a bit longer than the others. I hope you enjoyed and make sure to leave me feedback, see ya!

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