Chapter 3

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"You wanna go now?" Sans groaned, practically inside of the couch. Frisk was beside him, trying to watch tv, yet a tall and thin skeleton blocked their view.
"Yes my dear brother! Mettaton said we must visit him today in order to get tickets! NYEH!" Papyrus ordered, throwing his hands on his hips.
"Pap, it's only 10 in the morning." Sans said, pointing to the clock on the wall. Papyrus turned and scoffed at the clock.
"That clock means nothing!"
"It kinda does bro." Shrugging, Sans looked up at his brother, who looked down to both him and the little human beside him. Turning to Frisk, he saw that Frisk only shrugged and continued to eat potato chips. "How about we just visit Alphys and Undyne? To ya know, pass the time?" He suggested. Papyrus put his one hand to his chin and thought.
"Okay brother! To Alphys and Undyne's!"

Ever since everyone had moved up to the surface, Alphys and Undyne shared an apartment not too far from the skeleton brothers. It was a small apartment, including a very small kitchen space (which bothered Undyne, considering she loves cooking aggressively), a small bathroom, a corner of a room that had 2 bean bags and a tv, and one bedroom with 2 beds, a large divider in the middle.
"GREETINGS!" Papyrus shouted as he, Sans, and Frisk all were welcomed into their home.
"What's up Papyrus!" Undyne said as she opened the door and stepped aside. "Hey Sans, hey Frisk." She added as the followed Papyrus, Sans waving and Frisk smiling.
"H-hey guys." Alphys greeted as she waddled into the room. She had on a pair of baggy pants and a loose anime shirt. Undyne was wearing jeans and a red shirt, bringing out her red eyeshadow and yellow eyes.
"So what brings you all here?" Undyne asks, heading into their small kitchen and setting a kettle of water on the stove. Sans plopped onto a bean bag and Alphys fell onto the other, while Frisk and Undyne sat on the floor and Papyrus stood.
"W-well, we're here just to stop and visit before we head off to Mettaton's." Papyrus said softly. Alphys looked up from the floor quickly.
"M-Mettaton? Why are y-you heading there?" She asked, concern showing on her face.
"Sans, Frisk, and I saved him from a large group of paparazzi so in return I asked if we could have tickets and he approved." The tall skeleton explained, using his hands to add emphasis to the story. Sans merely nodded. Papyrus looked to Alphys, who was in complete awe. "Alphys, are you alright?" He asked, while Undyne headed into the kitchen to get the tea ready.
"What? O-oh yeah. Heh."
"Hey Alphys. Papyrus over here likes Mettaton ya know." Sans said randomly.
"WHAT?" Both Alphys and Undyne said in unison. Undyne came barreling out of the kitchen with a tray of tea cups, trying to walk extremely fast while balancing the tray of cups, milk, sugar, and spoons. "No way!" Undyne said, setting everything down and looking at Papyrus, who's face was bright orange. He nodded slowly.
"Aww heh heh." Alphys added, grabbing a cup of tea and adding some sugar.
"Who would've thought huh? Papyrus and Mettaton." Undyne said, taking an obnoxious slurp of tea, while everyone else sipped politely.
"Nyehhhh.....hehhhh...nyehhh...." Papyrus muttered quietly as he stared at the clock.
"What's wrong Pap?" Sans asked. He followed his brother's eyes to the clock on top of the tv, seeing that it was almost 1:00 in the afternoon. "Ah. I see." He said to himself, slurping up the rest of his tea and rising out of the bean bag chair. "Welp, I think we should get heading. It'll take awhile to get to Mettaton's and we won't know when he'll leave." He said as he brushed off his shorts and set his cup on the tray. Papyrus followed and bowed.
"Thank you Undyne. Thank you Alphys." He said, smiling. They both nodded happily as if to say you're welcome. Then Papyrus, Sans, and Frisk all left the apartment complex and headed out for the studio of the world's most famous robot.

The three of them finally arrived at the studio, many cars packed in the parking lot and large groups of crew workers running in and out of the buildings. Walking into the entrance, Papyrus headed to the front desk, followed by his brother and human friend. At the desk sat a blonde woman, hair cut short up to her ears and a headset on the head. She was chewing gum obnoxiously and typing fast and loudly. Clearing his throat, he spoke.
"Um...excuse me, miss?" He said, shyly. She turned and looked at him, scanning his body before returning her gaze back to the computer screen.
"Can I help you?" She said in a rude kind of attitude. Sans scoffed and whispered something to Frisk, causing them to laugh.
"Actually yes. I have to speak to Mettaton." He said, more confident than last time.
"Do you have an appointment?" She said, not caring one bit about the three visitors at her desk.
"Um...not that I know of. Mettaton just wanted me to visit him." He replied, growing slightly impatient.
"Well then I'm sorry but I can't let you in. You need an appointment to speak to Mettaton." The lady at the desk said, obviously not sorry at all. Papyrus sighed and threw his arms on the desk in a mix of rage and sadness. Apparently, the desk lady took this as a threat and called security, who took each of them by the arms and dropped them out back. Sans groaned and Papyrus buried his face into his hands, silently sobbing.
"I'm sorry bro. Maybe Mettaton lied to you." Sans said, throwing an arm around his brother. Papyrus sighed and took a deep breath.
"I guess you're right Sans. I mean how would a skeleton like me have a chance with a super popular robot like Mettaton..."

"You're not just a skeleton, Papyrus." Said the robotic voice behind them.


So that's chapter 3! It might've been a bit longer of a chapter, not sure. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, so I hope you enjoyed!

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