Chapter 8

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Papyrus held the grocery bag close to his chest as him, Sans, and Frisk walked home from the local grocery store. A smile never left his face.
"Why you so cheesy bro?" Sans asked, as he pulled out the block of cheese they bought and smirked. Papyrus only smiled at him, not even his cheesy puns could break his mood.
"Well Sans, tonight airs Mettaton's newest episode and in the commercial I saw just last night, he said he has some news to share."
"So that put you in this mood?" The small skeleton asked, confused. "Do you know what the news is?" Papyrus shook his skull. "No, but he smiled and winked at the camera. So it must mean something good." Sans cocked his skull and looked down at Frisk, who laughed and nodded. "Whatever you say bro."
The clock read 7:58pm as Papyrus walked into their living room and gently sat down on their sofa.
"Hurry Sans!" He hollered as his brother waddled down the stairs and flopped beside his brother. "Where's Frisk?" Papyrus asked. Sans shrugged and cupped his hands around his mouth.
"Cmon kiddo! Papyrus doesn't want you to miss this!" He said loudly, which caused the child to peek their head out of Sans' bedroom door. Sans' eyes widened. "Whaddya doing in there!?" He asked as he shot up from the position he was in, panic in his voice. Frisk only smirked and sat between them. Sans looked at Frisk once more in confusion and laid back down.
The typical theme for Mettaton's show began to play on the screen as Papyrus ripped open the bag of popcorn he had popped in the kitchen. Ripping the bag from his hands, Sans snatched the bag and stole a handful of popcorn before giving it back.
"Good evening beauties! How are you all?" The famous robot asked, his live audience applauding loudly. He laughed and continued. "So, I told you all that I had some news didn't I?" He asked, placing a hand on his hip as the other gripped a microphone (which was rather useless considering he had a mic installed into his system). The crowd hollered a loud yeah! and waited for his response. Mettaton cleared his voice and pulled a serious look on my face. "I'm sorry to tell you this, but since I'm making a movie, I won't be having any more shows until we're done filming." Mettaton said and sighed, looking to the ground dramatically. Loud cries and gasps were heard throughout the theatre, he only nodded and wiped away a fake tear.
"WHAT?" Papyrus shouted, nearly chocking on a kernel. "NO!" Sans patted his back. "SANS!" He shouted after about 30 seconds of silence. Sans jumped. "What?" Standing up, Papyrus slammed his fist into his other hand. "Before Mettaton leaves for his movie, we must see him. We must say goodbye."
"Uhh Pap, he never said that he'd be leav-" Sans began to mutter but was cut off by the sudden movement of Papyrus dragging him and Frisk to the door.

"You'd like to speak to Mettaton?" A new employee asked Papyrus at the entrance of the studio. He was a blonde man, blue eyes, and glasses. His hair was combed up in a swoosh like style, and he had a large upper body. "Uhhh...let me see if he's available. What's your name?" He asked politely. Papyrus told him his name and the man nodded, pushing a button and mumbling into a mic. There was a faint voice coming from his headphones, the man nodded and let go. "So Mettaton is conferencing with a director for the movie right now, but he will want you to come up as soon as he's finished. For now you can sit in the lobby or grab a snack at the new and improved MTT Burger Emporium if you'd like!" He said kindly. "Thank you sir!" Papyrus said happily as him, Sans, and Frisk all headed to the doors of the restaurant.
As Sans leaned on the counter, Papyrus looked at the menu (which consisted of the usual 4 items), and Frisk smiled as the well-known employee, Burgerpants, told him about him and Nice Cream Guy's road trip to NYC to see a show on Broadway.
It took Papyrus too long to order so Sans asked Burgerpants for 3 Starfaits, thanked him, and they headed back to the lobby. Frisk waved to the cat, who at first looked miserable once the had walked away but smiled wholeheartedly when he saw the child waving.
"You made it back just in time!" The man said. "Go ahead and make your way up, Mettaton's waiting."
"I'm glad they got a new receptionist, the other one was absolutely horrible." Sans mumbled to Papyrus and Frisk, who both nodded. Stepping into the elevator, Frisk pressed Office and the doors closed. Sans groaned as the theme for the show began to play as the elevator rode up. "Talk about self centered." He muttered to himself. Ding! Ding! Ding! The little bell rang as they passed each floor. Finally, the elevator came to a slow halt, the doors opened and they all stepped out, yet Papyrus broke off into a dash for the doors. "Papyrus! Why're you running?" Sans yelled, seeing his brother bolt down the corridor towards two large oak doors with MTT in golden letters bolted onto them.
"I have to admit my feelings!" Papyrus said but only loud enough that him himself could hear it. "B-but you already did that..." Sans said.
Bursting through the doors, Papyrus huffed and puffed for air. His entrance obviously startled Mettaton, for his eyes were widened and he was leaning back in his large, brown chair with a tight grip on the armrests.
"H-hello Papyrus. Quite an entrance you had there. Heh." The robot laughed, still a bit taken aback by the surprise.
"Hello *huff* Mettaton, I have something to *huff* discuss with you." Papyrus panted as he threw his hands on the desk.
"Before you start, how about a drink?" Mettaton offered as he pointed to the water fountain in the shape of a rectangular robot. Papyrus nodded. "Yes thank you." He took a cup, filled it with water, and stood beside the fountain as he spoke. "So Mettaton, about your movie. I don't want you to go! You make me so happy watching your show every evening, I don't know what I'd do without seeing your face for about 2 years. I love you, Mettaton. I truly mean it too. Please don't leave." Papyrus ended, tears nearly swelling in his eyes. Mettaton gave a small giggle. Papyrus took another sip of his drink as Mettaton began. Just as he started, Sans and Frisk walked in.
"Oh Papy dear. I won't be leaving. The movie will be recorded right here in the studio!" He said happily. Papyrus' eyes widened and he spat his drink all over his brother.
Wiping his skull with his sleeve, Sans butted in. "Ya know bro, I actually said that but you were too busy pulling me out of the door to hear it." His voice had a hint of annoyance in it.
Eyes full of guilt, Papyrus apologized. "I'm sorry brother, I was just too worried about Mettaton that I didn't want to think about anything else."
"Yeah. Ok." Sans said, now completely angered. Papyrus looked down at his brother and frowned.
"I-I'll be right back." He said, heading for the door.
"Papyrus wait-" Sans started, but before he could finish Papyrus was already out the door.

So that's chapter 8! This chapter sure was something, huh? Gosh, cliffhangers.

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