Chapter 6

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I looked at Jason and smiled. He took me out last night and I had the most amazing night ever. And we didn't end up having sex, which is a first for me. He was a great guy and I needed to move on from Chase. He's straight and he will never want me. That kiss was just to piss off Lily. I knew that and he knew that. Even Tyler knew that and we never talked about it.

I sighed and kissed Jason on last time before I went back to me dorm room. When I looked around I saw that Chase wasn't there. I thought I told him to come here so we can go to practice together today. I wanted to tell him sorry about how I have been acting lately.

I shrugged and got my stuff. When I passed Chase's desk I say his phone on it and it was unlocked, and it had my name on one of the text messages. I picked it up and started reading them.

Tyler: How you holding up?

Chase: With what? Having a broken heart? Or having to look at him?

Tyler: Both.

Chase: It hurts every time I breath. I can't look at him, dude.

Tyler: Maybe you should tell him?

Chase: You heard, they are dating now. Over just one fucking little date, and now they are dating. He wouldn't want me. He thinks I'm straight and he wouldn't believe that I love him.

Tyler: He might change his mind if he knew what you think about him. The dreams, the thing that happened in the locker room, everything. If he knows all that then he might pick you.

Chase: MIGHT! Big word there, Ty.

Tyler: I know him. I know him better than he knows himself. He loves you and is too stupid to even know it. YOU have to tell him.

Chase: What about his boyfriend? He likes him

Tyler: Fuck Jason! He doesn't even like Skylar.

The phone slipped out of my hand. I was frozen. Just re-reading the last text.

He loves me? No that can't be, he is into girls. He just kissed make Lily jealous. He can't like me, no......I mean I do like him, so much and shit....but not love him. Tyler does know me though...but love Chase? I don't, do I?

God, I was so confused. Maybe Tyler does know me enough and that he knows that I love him. God, I am so stupid.

(Love you guys!!!! Method to this madness!!!! Comment, vote, and maybe fan me??????)

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