Chapter 15

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I groaned again as they kissed once more before going in different directions. I followed behind Skylar and sighed.

Ever since they said 'I love you' they have been all lovey dovey. And it has only been one fucking day! However, I can't be mad at them. Sky deserved the love and so does Chase.

However, I don't think that this happiness will last for very long. I just have this gut feeling that something will happen...

-- Anonymous--

I watched as the both looked lovey dovey at each other. They make me sick. To think this stupid fucking school lets gays be happy. FUCKERS! I'm going to show them not to mess with me.

I can't wait for my plan to take place! And they will wish that they were never born!!!


I sighed as I watched Chase walked away. Hmm, he has one fine ass! I wonder if I could top him-

"Stop looking at him like that," Tania said beside me.

I looked down at her and smiled, "Sorry, I just have to keep watching him. I still can't believe that we are together. "

"I know you guys are lovey dovey and everything, but some of us aren't so lovey dovey."

"I know, and I promise you thst you will have a boyfriend soon," I smiled down at her. She's so short!!!

She nodded and we headed to our class.


It wasn't ten minutes in when the speaker went on. And the worst part? They called me down to the principal's office.

Great, what are they going to say I did when I did nothing.

See, the principal- Mr. Rull- hated gays. Even with everyone here open to them, he still hates us. It doesn't helo the matter that I'm the biggest gay player in this whole school. I think I might have turned his son gay kast year...I don't remember if I did or not.

I entered his office and froze.

There, standing next to the principal, deep in conversation, was the man I hate the most.

... My father


Hey there my sexy followers. Did you miss me? I know I missed you.

And we have news, this book has reached over 1000 reads. The votes are still low, buti can live with 50 something... for now.

The first fifteen people that right a comment AND vote will win a sneak peek for everyone! Now go! Vote, comment, maybe this will win me a new follwer?

Peace out my pees!!!!!!

P.S: Sorry it wasn't that long, it will be for the next on!!♥♥♥

P.S.S: Anyone think they know who that anonymous was? I know who it is, but I ain't telling!

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