Makarov I

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I scowled as the blood moon mocked me from above for the third night in a row. The lunar eclipse lasted for three nights. The first; a red tide swept across the moon and slowly inched across it as the night progressed. The second; the sky was dominated by a full moon that was like a drop of blood from a sky god. And finally the third night, and the tide of blood was creeping away until the moon was pale apart from a bloody ring at it's very edge. Like a broken nail.
"Bloody eclipse!" I snarled from his perch on a windowsill. I am in my chambers right above the guild hall, yet it gave me no peace. It was unusual for me to seek solitude. 'This damn thing has troubled the land and me...'. Wolves howled at night to the moon as did other darker creatures, begging it to leave or stay no one can tell. Vulcans stayed holed up in their caves and trees, cowering from the moon. And not a single creature approached the sea in this time. But it wasn't only troubling the creatures of the land. I noticed it was effecting Elfman. It was mild and only temporary, but as the wave of red crossed the moon Elfman grew more and more agitated, and on the second night it effected him physically. His eyes turned blood red, his pupils narrowed like a wolfs. Making him an albino in all but skin colour for the night. His nails grew hard, sharp and long. His hair longer and thicker, he never stepped foot inside at that time and preferred to sit under a tree to gaze upon the moon and breathe. His sisters worried and sat with him long into the night, trying to speak to him, but he ignored their words. Until I approached them in the cold winter night.

"It's the blood moon that is effecting his beast soul" I had said. Elfman glanced at me and dug grooves into the snow with his long claws.

"Okay that makes sense, but it wont effect him permanently?" Lisanna asked. I noticed Elfman's now pointy ears twitched at the sound of her voice.

"No it should fade over a few days after the blood moon, maybe even immediately. It effects him because it rises his beast blood".

"Um okay. But why doesn't he speak?" Mirajane had asked. Elfman now turned to her and bared his teeth. They had turned into huge fangs that had barely fit inside his mouth.

"He would probably bite his tongue out if he tried" I tried sympathetically, and Elfman returned to polishing his claws in the snow. "Let him rest" I continued, "I don't think he would want you two freezing yourselves just to sit with him". Elfman turned to his two sisters and nodded.

"Okay but Elfman don't do anything silly" Mirajane had demanded and gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Don't catch cold now". Elfman smiled at her, his canines pocking out from his upper lip and pressed his palm into the snow, the snow hissed and melted away until grass was visible. His blood has risen to boiling from the blood moon. "Oh" Mirajane giggled an pulled Lisanna up.

"Take care Elf-nii chan!" Lisanna called and the two walked away to the guild which was banging and crashing in the quiet night. I smiled at Elfman as he continued to stare at the moon and polish his claws. It was uncanny watching a beast soul mix with the human soul this night. However I noticed that Elfman's red eyes looked at this moon, almost like Elfman's blue eyes sometimes look at a certain green fairy. However there was some unnameable difference between the two looks. Was it bewitchment he saw in the red eyes? And was it endearment he saw in the blue eyes? I couldn't tell.

I shake my head and returned to the present, old eyes focusing of the bloody nail of a moon. "You are starting something aren't you" It wasn't a question, it was a statement. "It started with Elfman like a warning. And now I bet you are clawing up something from the darkness" an image of Elfman's claws digging in the snows flashed in my mind. A blood moon hadn't occurred in many hundred of years in Fiore or so Levy says. And any text or history she could find on the matter was vague or half destroyed over the years.

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