Evergreen XI

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The thick quilts and furs rustled as I twitch sleepily under the covers.
What time is it? I think sluggishly and rub my eyes. Squinting out of the covers, cold frosty sunlight filtered through the murky windows and barely lit up the room. It can't be much longer than eight in the morning. That is actually rather late for me. I'm a natural early riser, six o'clock in morning is my usual wake up time. Which is a good thing because Elfman is definitely not an early riser. I am certain he would sleep till ten o'clock if possible. Which is horrible.
I struggle around in the bed, searching for my large bed warmer, but even more surprisingly he isn't in bed.

I sigh. Typical, just typical. Right when I'm cold he isn't around. I shove off the covers irritability and begin to shiver. It is like our timetables have switched. I have a reason however. I've been spending nights trying to clean up my tracings as clear as possible. I want Levy to have the clearest tracings as possible so we can get a good translation of the bottom half. My skills for ancient text are fantastic of course, but Levy has been noted for her mastery of the subject. Besides I don't want to waste time struggling over a half ruined text. I shuffle off of the mattress and furs and immediately struggle on one of my jumpers and a second pair of socks. Me and Elfman both packed light for this job because of the tiny time frame we had to prepare, and most of the clothes we brought have been destroyed or is still drying from snow, sleet, rain and seawater drenching them. My new jumper is thick brown wool with a small tail at the end, a large hood that is lined with fur. And the end of the sleeves have mittens attached to the ends that can be slipped on or tied to the side. It is a very cozy jumper. I shuffle on my fur socks and crept out of the room and hallway. The lounge has had a few adjustments, a low coffee table for my work. A thick rug to sit on. And heaps upon heaps of pieces of paper littering the floor. I pass the fireplace that me and Elfman drank under and five remaining whisky bottles that sat proudly along it.
...Let's just say we've both been put off whisky. Permanently.

I gather up the thick paper and study the original text. The top of the text is crystal clear despite my frantic rubbing with chalk. "We have also written this in old tongue. The tongue of monsters. As we hope this language doesn't fade with us..." I sigh and roll up the paper. Reading this out to Elfman was one of the worst experiences of my life. Not only did I learn of his heritage that marked him out as something different as us, I hurt him too. That was four days ago, and our actions have been healed with apologies, companionship and kisses. I think...I think what I have done hurts me more than it hurts him now. I mean, he has become one of my most trusted friends and more. He has seen the worst of me and me at my lowest and never betrays me, in fact his affection grows more and more with each day that passes. Hurting him felt like hurting Freed, Bickslow or Laxus. Only a hell of a lot worse.

"But then again. Freed, Bickslow and Laxus hurt me too" I growl and glare at the litters of paper around the room. Despite being separated from them for over three months, that wound hasn't healed. I haven't made an effort to contact them and they haven't made the effort to contact me. Well...No one has made any effort to contact anyone. Not even Mira, which is odd because this is an S-class mission. My stomach grumbles and I rub my head.
I have cleaned the text as much as possible. It is all up to Levy now, I think as I walked to the bathroom for the toilet. When I think on this later, in hindsight I really should have knocked. But I had just woken up and I am starving. I'm not really focusing too much.
I twist the handle and push the door in and what I saw sent my heart racing and blood rushing to my face. I closed the door quietly and smoothly without my presence being detected. How he didn't know I opened the door is beyond me.

"Shit! Shit..." I cover my mouth and press my forehead on the opposite wall. My face is burning so much that I almost don't need the jumper. What I saw...I felt embarrassed. I felt like I intruded.
"How the hell does a man who looks like that have self confidence issues!".

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