Elfman I

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'Wow!' I thought and shook my hand. It was throbbing after Evergreen smacked it down. I follow with my eyes her long lithe body as she ran out the door, her hips and arse swaying in the most pleasant way. It was only when she ran out the door, that I regained my senses. 'Why did I have to touch her hand? it wasn't very manly!' The idea to reach out and touch her hand pounced on me like a damn Vulcan the moment she removed her hand from my arm! Even though it wasn't skin on skin, the pressure of her hand on my arm and its warmth made me feel like my spine melted. Embarrassment flooded me. 'Why would it make me feel like that?' Sure it was sudden and unexpected especially after she practically said to me she would rather have any partner rather than me. 'But she did apologize, and I know she meant it. Ever never apologizes if she doesn't want to...' I pace down the stairs and was nearly bowled over by my little sister.

"Elf- nii chan!" Lisanna shrieked in my face and grabbed my shoulders. "Elf-nii chan are you sure you should be going?! I've learnt about monsters just as much as you have and I know Draugr! They're bad news!".

"Yeah little sis I know they are dangerous. And it's not like Makarov gave us any choice either" I explain and rest my hands on her shoulders clad in a thick wool lined leather jacket.

"He let Bickslow change" A sly look entered her eye. "In fact the only two people he forbade to switch partners was you and Evergreen..."
I twinged with annoyance. Trust Makarov to stir things up even more like this. I need a word with him.

"In fact you almost looked happy being paired with her again..." Lisanna failed to hide a cheeky smile and tapped her lower lip thoughtfully. My annoyance flared to a new level, I quickly pull Lisanna in against my chest and I began to gently noogie her head.
"Elf-nii chan! My hair" Lisanna shrieked into my ear.

"The only reason I'm paired up with Ever is because Makarov is a cheeky old git that listens too much to rumors" I chided and laughed at her as she struggled.

"Who's a cheeky old git?" and old cankerous voice hailed far below me.'Fuck!' I immediately let go of Lisanna and spin nervously around. Makarov smiled up at me from my knee and tapped his foot expectantly. "Well?". 'Oh fuck'.

"Uh n-no one master" I stammer nervously and my belly gnawed with fear.

"Good..." The master eyed him thoughtfully. "The only reason I paired you with the lovely miss Evergreen...". I felt heat rush up my neck as he drawled the word 'lovely'. "Is because besides bickering, you both preformed exceptionally on Tenroujima. I'm expecting the same results in Hryggð, understand?".

"Yes master" suspicion sneaked through me as he regarded me with cunning eyes.
"That's the only reason right?" I felt my brow furrow into a frown. 'I should stop frowning. I look even worse when I do...' Unhappiness mixed with the annoyance.

"Why of course!" Makarov exclaimed dramatically. "However if something were to develop between you and the delightful Miss Evergreen..."

"Makarov!" I growl dangerously and felt my annoyance turn to anger.

"Okay, okay young man. Go get ready" the master paced away.

"Elf-nii chan..." I turn and look softly down at Lisanna. "Please take care!" She whispered and hugged my arm. "You've just had that really freaky change from the blood moon, and now you are traveling across The Dark Sea! I don't like it"

"Hey Lis' I don't like it either. But we have no choice but to travel by sea" I explained, touched that my sister is so concerned for my well being. The blood moon freaked me out too. And the way it had such an effect on me... Throughout the last two nights, my blood sang to howl at the moon and...and hunt things. Rip things up. Kill things...

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