Evergreen V

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I step into Logan's side and smile at him willingly. But gods I didn't feel as convincing as I looked. Don't look back at Elfman. Don't look back. If I did it would throw off my entire act that I was about to do. Elfman would definitely not like this, he really hates Logan and I know he doesn't like the way this man openly flirts with me...

"Ah I thought you were the leader of the two of you. You look the type to put a man like him in his place" Logan laughs at his rude joke and I force a pretty laugh out too. If only you knew what he is truly like I thought and wish I was back over with Elfman. I try not to squirm as Logan's arm slides down to my waist and his finger deeply trace patterns into the fabric against my flesh. Don't react! I say to myself like it was a mantra. If this was any other situation, this man would be on the ground with a broken nose. But this was a different situation. And a much more dangerous one.

"After me and Logan chat, I'm going to talk to Gnash. Just stay here Elfman and do your own thing" . There is some loyalty I owe him and here I am, pretending to step on it and let this man touch me for the sake of keeping the villager's peace. Gods I feel like shit.

"What is that man's 'own thing' " Logan smirked arrogantly to himself and I clench my teeth. Logan saunters behind a row of houses just under the cover of the trees towards the path.

"I don't really know, he will probably go leer at some young girls" I lie, but I need to keep Logan distracted while Elfman finds where the Draugr are. If he heard what I said, I don't know how I could ever explain it to him.

"Seriously? You are friends with someone like that? I wouldn't know what to do now, knowing that..." Logan's fingers blessedly stopped drawing patterns.

"Well I don't know" I look through my lashes into Logan's eyes and they were looking straight back into mine. Looking for some weakness to exploit, though over me or Elfman I couldn't tell. "I don't know him as well as others".

"Well I wouldn't say that..." Logan drawled but there was an edge to his voice that made me wary or him at once. "After my small...Blunder, of saying that mistake that you were defenseless on your way to see Gnash. He was all too willing, to defend you. You might not know him that well, but he certainly seems to know you". My escort stopped moving and forced me to stop too. "Evergreen, I don't like the idea of this, Elfman, being in my village if all he is going to do is stare at pretty girls. And I want to know what you and Elfman were discussing back there".

"We were discussing personal issues" I lie vehemently. "This isn't your village. It is your brother's. And you can trust Elfman-" I try to say but I was cut off.

"If this was my brother's village, everything would go backwards" Logan stepped in front of me and held my elbows so tightly I could tell they would bruise. But I didn't move or say anything. I just glared at him through my glasses. To react at all would give him the satisfaction that he was worth any attention from me. "Everyone here would be eating shit for breakfast because our food would be less than shit! My brother is as stupid as an ass, and we wouldn't have an income to keep this tiny, insignificant waste pile alive. This village lives because of me!" Logan hissed at me and his face got even closer to mine.

"And this village will die because of you if you don't trust Elfman!" I retort and wrench my arms from his.

"Careful girl. You don't want to make the mistake of crossing me..." Logan warned with a calm face but a cold anger was creeping into his. An anger colder than Gray's magic. I felt my own anger though. But red hot and furious. This man was presumptuous enough to think he can threaten me, when we are here to help him!

"You think you are so powerful huh?" I thrust my face in his, my flirtatious act long in the past. "Well tell me, Logan. If you are so powerful then why do you need help from us?!" I snarl. My face snapped back a fraction of a second before I felt the pain and I staggered back in the snow. "Ah..." I falter and touch my mouth. Blood pooled in my hand and dull throbbing pain stretched beneath the skin of my mouth. I didn't even see Logan move.

Dark tides, and darker things.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon