Elfman V

113 4 2

Everything was quiet, except for the whimpering of Rojin. It is too quiet. I stand up and away from Rojin and look around. There was the natural murmur of the villagers behind us. The noise of metal beating metal, the sing song voices of traders trying to seduce their customers. The crunch of boots on snow as a group of men patrolled their borders for anything un-dead. Even the distant noise of a woodsman splitting logs for the spears they make to defend themselves.

"Rojin, be quiet for a second" I mutter, my hand placed on his head. He sniffled twice more and then was silent. I look around and try to listen for them, listen for the sounds of animals. The snort of a cow. The songs of the birds. Ugly ruffled his feathers and cawed angrily before taking off for the sky and far away from the village. Chills crept down my back, and I swallow thickly. The Draugr weren't on the beach, or they were far out at sea. But even so there should be some there?
Maybe I'm jumping too soon to conclusions....But the evidence was unmistakable. No life around the village, no animals or anything? And everything was too quiet. Surely the Draugr can't be here. In the village, not with the protective runes up. But still, despite people dying and children like Rojin's sister being taken...The village is far too relaxed, and maybe their runes too. I've noticed it when we arrived here, and I'm noticing it now. Hell even Rojin's father has done nothing, despite his youngest daughter has been taken and made into the horrors that plague this island.

"What is it?" Rojin mumbled and rubbed his nose roughly. Snow crunched around the ally, and I ignore the boy.

"Hmm..." grunting, I turn around and see probably one of the last people I want to see today.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing boy?" Flynn growled, his piggy eyes gleaming like two burning lights.

"Da?!" Rojin gasped and backed away rapidly. "I-I thought you were off in the snows?" Rojin stammered, his face pale.

"I was" Flynn stepped forward, his teeth bared like a snarling dog. "Back in time to hear your bitchin'. And this fucking traitor talk about leaving. You are sounding a lot like your cunt mother-".

"Oi!" I snap. "Don't talk crap like that in front of him!".

"Fuck off!" Flynn's nose went red and he snorted like a bull. "You're the freak that put the ideas in his soft head".

"If you think his head is soft then that makes yours a puddle of piss!" I stride over to Flynn and glower down at him. "Or I could make it just that if you want!" purple glowed on my arm and a scaled, hooked and clawed hand prodded his fat wobbly chin.

Flynn's face paled for a moment, and the tats on his ears spun and rolled in random patterns. Seconds rolled by, and the eerie and all too threatening silence seemed to squash me. Something must've clicked in Flynn's dull mind because suddenly his eyes glinted and he swatted my dangerous hand away.
"You can't hurt me!".

"Wanna bet on that?!" I drag my talons across the house to the right and draw deep grooves into the side.

"Yeah I might" Flynn hissed and spat at my feet. "See you are here to 'protect us'. Attacking and beating us up isn't in that job description".

Dammit...Flynn is right. He maybe an unmanly asshole and scum, but I can't attack a villager when I should be protecting them. Makarov has told (or rather yelled at) me of my reputation I'm getting of molesting my employers if they irritate me.

"But the boy" Flynn nodded to Rojin who was cowering by the trees. "Na, he is staying here with his dad".

"His dad huh?" I lean down and thrust my face into his. My real da is dead! Rojin's words spoke to me again.
"Apparently his real dad is dead?" I whisper.

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