Evergreen X

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"Ouch..." I wriggle my toes as Gnash wiped some burning ointment onto my frostbitten feet.

"You wouldn't be saying ouch if you didn't walk around in the snow last night!" she snapped and took her scary hands off my feet.

"An issue occurred..." I scowled and met Elfman's eyes. He just shrugged and tugged on his boots calmly.

"It would seem you two had a visitor last night..." Gnash's big black eyes bore deeply into mine and I stare at her in fright.

"How did you know?" Elfman asked. Gnash looked at him and then pointed to the skull with opal eyes sitting on the bench. "Why the hell do you have that here?!" Elfman gawked at the black skull.

"To keep an eye on you" Gnash replied and removed the cloth. My blackened toes were once again pink and I wriggled them happily.

"Thank you" I smile. Gnash grunted and stood up to her great height.

"I know who the Draugr once was too" she said and my belly turned cold. "Why did Logan come to your house instead of prey nearer?"

A nasty feeling sat in my gut and I drew my legs up to my chest. "I don't know".

"Oh I think you do" she leaned down a bit. "One of you two killed him".

"Ghh" I hiss. I killed him...I killed him and mutilated his face, I am the reason he is now one of those things.

"Who killed him?" Gnash demanded and looked at me and Elfman evenly.

"It doesn't matter!" Elfman insisted and pulled himself to his feet.

"It does and you know it too" she said. "Tell me, and no one else will know".

"I did". My head snapped up as I stared at Elfman as he lied. "I killed him".

"I know a lie when I see it" Gnash pushed Elfman back onto the table. "Before Logan changed, I looked at his body. Tell me Elfman, why would a corpse have a caved in rib cage and crushed throat when the body clearly has suffered from hacking and slashing attacks?"

"I stood on him" he growled.

Why are you lying for me? It can't be loyalty, is it because he doesn't trust Gnash with keeping his death secret.

"If you stood on him with the power it took to break those ribs like that, then the caved in point would be much deeper" Gnash turned to me. "You killed him".

A cold air settled around me and steeled my belly. "And so what if I did? He was about to hurt me so I killed him!" I snap and Elfman gawked at me.

"Why was he hurting you?" Gnash asked very seriously.

I felt suddenly outraged at her demanding questions, it isn't her business what happened to me. And why does it matter?!
"Remember the night me and you left Elfman lying on the couch in the big house?" I growl. She nods and a large hand dropped over mine.

"Ever, you don't have-"

I pull my hand out from under his and kept my gaze level with Gnash. No matter what happened last night or what I feel, we are on a job. We must remain professional.
"Well perhaps I should've accepted your escort, because I was about to be raped by Logan!" I scowl furiously at Gnash's dead pan face. "Elfman stopped that from happening and I killed Logan for revenge!" I now turn to Elfman and stare at him. "You did do that to Logan, right?" I thought about the blood covering his arms on that night when he came back. His face paled and he weakly nodded. It was a big thing he did. Grotesque. Dangerous. Nightmare worthy. But he did it to protect me if anyone snooped around the body. I won't forget what he has done for me.

Dark tides, and darker things.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin