Evergreen III

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"What the fuck are you doing?!" I scream at the five men surrounding me with their spears. The tips lighted up blue and runes down the side flashed as the stood in a threatening position. I wrap my arms tighter around Elfman's shoulders, to keep his head upright. I couldn't let him drown or suffocate in the snow.

"Who are you?!" A man closest to me growled and poked me with a spear.

"Don't you fucking touch me!" I howl at him. "I'm Evergreen from Fairy Tail. And my friend that you just knocked out is Elfman Strauss. Now show some fucking respect and back up!".

"They say they are from Fairy Tail..."

"Then why is that one bleeding out?"

"He is bleeding out, because we were attacked by your friends the 'Draugr'. On the way coming here to help you out and protect you!" I scream over the wind and shivered as I began to feel colder and colder by the minute.

"They are not our friends, woman!" the man that knocked Elfman out snarled, and I glare with a burning rage at him.

"Yeah but we are! And greeting you friends by striking the most injured one to the head isn't going to help you in the slightest. So you know what!" I take off my glasses and look him in the eye. "Fuck you!". The remaining four members cry out as their companion was now a shocked statue and level their spears at my throat.

"Turn him back now you bitch!" A man with bright blond hair screamed.

"Not a chance!" I yell.

"Turn. Him. Back" One of the men smashed the spear into a boulder. It sounded like a bomb went off right next to me. The boulder shattered into dust and the spear shaft smashed a great crater like crevasse into the ice as the blow continued down.

Shit! They hit Elfman with that?! I look at the man who leveled his spear back at me. "Don't you even touch us with that!" I yell. "I you even make an attempt to swing that thing at me, I will crumble you friend into dust"

"You don't have that power!" the same man shouted back. I narrow my eyes dangerously, the statue man's left hand began to smoke, and every finger from the first joint up, crumbled into dust.

"Stop! STOP!" The men screamed.

"I wont harm him anymore!" I shouted back. "But only if you take me and Elfman to a doctor or a medic. Now!" I command and the men look around.

"Let's take her to Lady Gnash" the man with the blond hair glared at me evilly.

"Will Lady Gnash help him?" I demand and help Elfman to his feet. He was so heavy when he is dead weight.

"Yes..." the man growled and lifted his spear, as did his followers. "Now turn Jerome back" Blonde pointed to the statue.

I shake my head. "Not until we are safe and my friend is being healed!". The Dark Sea islanders huddled around each other and began muttering. I look at Elfman and see blood oozing out of his head and more blood flow out of his leg. Shit, he is losing too much blood. Guilt stabbed me and I gingerly touch the head wound. I could tell our crash landing was going to be painful, but I had truly tried to take the brunt of the landing because of how badly Elfman was already hurt. Well the wind had other options and it spun me in mid air to the point where Elfman was my cushion and his head nearly got caved in. I drape his arm over my shoulder and began to hobble forwards, in the general direction I saw the men run from.

"Wait woman!" the men run after me.

"Yeah that's not going to happen. And don't call me 'woman'" the way they say it sounds so derogatory. When Elfman calls me 'woman' it's respectful and makes me feel good. These guys are just assholes. In fact, does Elfman call anyone else 'woman'? I blush and move faster.

Dark tides, and darker things.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon