Evergreen II

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I am leaning over the rail of the ship and was miserably watching the once blue waters slowly turn black. It was the second day on board this ship and we were only now beginning to enter the dark sea. An auto sailing boat like this, at top speeds like it is, travels at one hundred and fifty knots an hour. That's two hundred and twenty seven kilometers per hour. You can understand why I'm annoyed it's taking us this long to get too Hryggð. I look up and glare at the sun as it weakly tried to force it's light through the dark swollen clouds smothering the sky.

"Why can't you warm this damn ship up!" I whisper and felt my eyes prickle as I looked back into the water. The evening me and Elfman left was the worst day of my life...


I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk to the docks. I feel better, I feel warm in my new clothes.

Maybe I should talk to Freed. Just so he knows I okay going with Elfman and to wish him luck.
Something warm was still twisting in my stomach after Elfman brushed his fingers against my hand, and it was almost giving me confidence or some energy to talk to Freed.

By the time I had slugged through the snows and made it to the docks, I saw both Levy's and Lucy's team leave the harbor and make their way to The Dark Sea. I saw Elfman immediately. A guy that big with a head of hair like that tends to stick out. That warm twisting feeling in my belly tugged again as I lay eyes on him. My face flushed at the feeling and I bared my teeth at him from the distance.
What have you done, you son of a bitch?! I scoop up some snow and rub it against my face. The feeling of the freezing clump of snow, quickly burning my cheeks was blissful. Dumping the snow, I quietly begin to approach the dock and subconsciously decided to try my hardest to ignore Elfman. That was when he walked up to Freed and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Wait! What are you doing?! I began to move forward faster when I just began to make out what Freed was saying.

"Well she is going on the mission with you now. There is nothing to be upset about".

I screech to a halt in the snow, any warm feeling in my stomach disappeared in an instant. Had Elfman told Freed about how I felt? I tried to take a step forward again but Freed's expression stopped me. It was like whatever Elfman had said about me was the most useless thing in the world. I look at Elfman's face. He was frowning at Freed, annoyance and a bit of sadness worked into his features.
Is he standing up for me? Or just asking out of curiosity?

"I know but before either of us knew we were chosen for the job, she thought you would consider her as a partner for going on the job..." Elfman trailed off and I quickly look at Freed. He seemed almost confused, like why, me, a member of the Raijin, wanted to be on this job with him. Or why he should've thought about me. I'm one of his closest friends! And like the number of people looking into my eyes, I can count the number of friends I have on one hand. And this one was rejecting me and failing to see why I am upset.

"Yeah well as I said before. She is going on the job now" Freed looked at Elfman as if he and invented an entirely useless or stupid idea. Any idea of talking to Freed vanished and I felt tears prickle my eyes. Then suddenly Laxus appeared behind Freed, now that I think about it. I don't know why I had any hope when Laxus appeared. I don't know why I though he might stick up for me, or understand how I feel.

"She goes on jobs with us all the time. She may actually enjoy going on an S rank job with some one else" Laxus began.

That's not the point! I want to be with you guys-

"And gramps didn't give you or her a choice to switch anyway. Her being upset is pointless".

Pointless...That word was like a sucker punch that nearly sent me reeling backwards. Tears realy did drip down my face now. I caught a glimpse of Elfman's face and his eyes were wide in shock. Me being upset was pointless?! Me showing any other emotion than scorn, arrogance and anger was enough to make them think that was pointless. I can't feel sad or anything like that around my friends?! My family?! Elfman was speechless, and it was all I could do, not to let a single sound escape my throat. Misery, rejection, a whirlwind of sadness crashed me down until I felt as if I would crumple. Everything was numb. I didn't notice Freed and Laxus say goodbye to Elfman, I just tried with a beaten heart to mop up and tears that were freezing on my face.

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