Love You. || Saitama fluff

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"I wonder, how does Saitama feel about me?"

You pondered about, shifting positions from time to time as you sat in the center of the living room. You were living with the hero for certain reasons, like you being so interested with the guy. You actually asked him if you could live with him a few years back, and to your surprise, he agreed with no complaints at all. You were a wee bit suspicious of why, 'cause after seeing his raging reaction from Genos wanting to live with him, you found his behavior quite strange.

Could it be...?

".... .. Nah. It's still too soon to assume the possibility..."

You put your finger to your chin, while your arm was still under your chest, humming as you think of another solution. You fell for the baldy for a long time now. You never admitted it to yourself in person, but in thoughts? You were head over heels with him. He managed to spark your interest, and your admiration towards him grew more when he showed you his every side. And his little actions also made your heart skip a beat.

But it was a different kind of love. Your chest didn't tighten when he was around, nor did it beat out of your chest when you engaged intimacy with him. You didn't squeal afterwards like a girl whenever he touched your hand, or breathe in your handkerchief. No, it wasn't that kind of love for you. 

You wanted to assume that your love for him, was as calm as the ocean. You simply loved all of him. His heroic acts, his dorky, yet righteous personality, his once-in-a-while, sweet smile.... just....


Like the ocean, you could be gentle and caring for the person you love, but once they hurt him, you can turn into a raging, terrifying storm. You'd like to think of it like that.

 You loved everything about him, and you loved him so much, you forgot what hating yourself felt like. It was that kind of love. You felt a strong sense of admiration and attraction towards him, but you also felt a deep, understanding love for him. The real him.

But knowing yourself, it was a little impossible for you to show your love for him. Thus, even after a year, he's still oblivious to it. Even Genos could not read you. You were a little different from all, the inlove girls. Technically, when someone hears a girl in love, they would instantly picture a girly woman with bright, big eyes full of determination to win over the guy they like. You, on the other hand, 

Were the total opposite.

Instead of trying to do something about your one-sided romance, you prefer watching them from afar, whilst admiring and falling much more in every second, no matter what he does. You liked the pleasure and lovely feeling of watching him, his every action, and the adorable ones, too.

 The light, happy feeling you get from seeing him everyday, it was just, so wonderful. You were always the day-dreamer type, and it actually went well with your silent and thoughtful personality. Thus, on a normal day of chilling, you could only stealthily glance at him from your laid-back position, always taking the chance to peek at him carefully, and admire all of him. 

But right now, you've had enough of just... Staring at him from far away. You wanted him in your arms, and you felt the need to tell him how amazing and wonderful he is, without things getting awkward. You wanted to tell him your thoughts and feelings for him, and also help and comfort him when he's had it rough. You just wanted to be beside him, instead of sitting from afar. 

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