Cry || Natsume Takashi

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Natsume sighed for the last time as he entered his room. "I'm so tired," he whispered to no one in particular.

Considering that Nyanko sensei was nowhere to be found as his eyes scanned his room, and he felt no presence of a yokai whatsoever, Natsume let his guard down and instantly slumped himself on the tatami floor.

He knew that he should've been used to running away from these invisible monsters, and yet, he couldn't help feeling drained of all energy everytime he survived their menace.

However, a gentle reminder at the back of his mind ushered a moan of displeasure from the exhausted blonde.

"Ah, but I need to get ready for dinner.." Natsume eyed his filthy uniform, face, and hair with tiny leaves still sticking to them.

He felt a cold sweat form on his cheek. "I really need to clean myself first."

That, was what happened before the troubled Natsume got himself in this complicated, abrupt predicament.

Right after changing, he noticed a shadow cast beyond his window, causing him to let out a startled yelp as he fumbled his footing and crashed.


A dust of pink touched his cheek as he found himself stumbled on the floor, flabbergasted and pale at the sight of your figure looming over his open window.

"Wh-wh-what are you doing there!?" Natsume almost screeched as if he was talking some sense into a madman.

He didn't know if he should be happy, but he did know that no sane person was nuts enough to climb the roof of his house so boldly and enter through his window- without consent and all.

You crouched by the window, as if you were just in the middle of entering his homely abode, your eyes staring blankly at his confused expression.

Shoulders tensed, you sent him an apologetic, injured look. "Natsume.."

Said boy merely gulped fearfully, as you were known as the strange one in their neighborhood.

Eyes always on the ground or up, all aloof yet sharp in going all over the surroundings, as if they were finding something special in the way the clouds moved, or in the way ants fell in line so orderly with foods on their tiny backs.

Nevertheless, you were a friend Natsume held joy in talking to. But he still wasn't used to these surprise visits of yours, it always made his soul almost leave his body numerous times already.

"Haaah," Natsume breathe out in relief, "didn't I tell you not to scare me like that, (Name)-san?"

He shakily got on his feet, regained his composure, and walked towards your direction, only to stop with his helping hand held out.

You stare at it, and blinked.

Natsume paused, raising a brow before huffing as he said, "what are you waiting for? Aren't you going to come in? It's chilly outside."

The wind blew the hair framing your face, letting the round and luminous moon from above to cause a glint in your eyes.

Natsume widened his own at yours. They looked rather...

"Are-" he stopped to choose his words carefully-"are you.. alright?"

The concerned boy asked, feeling cold all of the sudden as he earned no response.

Maybe it was just because of the gentle breeze that sneaked itself inside, but he felt like it was something else.

Your face held no emotions, yet your glassy, shimmering hues told him enough to know the situation.

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