Empty. || Saitama

729 18 1

Something short. Ehehehe, i've been very problematic lately, lol I'm now gonna keep my word, a short, "dialogue only" scenario looool


"I'm home."

"Oh, (Name). Welcome back."


"... Hey..? What's wrong? Well, I know college is seriously tiring and all, but why the grumpy face? Did something happen?"

"Haaahh... Tsk, yeah, it was a fuckin' mayhem. The school festival was about to start, and all of those freakin' people begged me to do their banners, the letterings, drawings, sketches, painting... HONESTLY! It's so tiring."

"Hmm... But there's more, isn't there?"

"YEAH, YEAH, THERE IS! While I, "politely" told them to fuck off, they just kept clicking their tongues at me, hating me for not doing their work but doing my own classess. What the fuck is wrong with them? If I did that, then they wouldn't have done any work at all, WHHY THE FUCK ARE THEY PUSHING ON ME, YA KNOW!? IT's... Irritating..."

"And the fact that I still feel guilty and scared of what they think of me despite them being the assholes here, I just feel so miserable right now."

"Hoh. Society sure is unfair, huh.."


"Heh, don't worry about explaining it to me, I understand, since I've been through this before. Although I have to ask.. Why is it all related to art though? Drawing.. Sketching.. Painting.. Don't tell me..."

"..... Yeah. I was an artist."


"Yeah. I don't draw anymore."

".... Why? Coming from you, (Name), I imagine you have immense talent in drawing stored within you. Remember that thing you drew for me and Genos a while back? He was super happy, ya know."

"Yeah..... But... I..."

"Hmm? What is it, (Name)?"

".... I've lost it..."

"H-huh? What do you mean?"

"I... Unlike years ago, when I was still young and free from the reality of society.. I used to enjoy drawing."

"But now.... I.. Don't.. Feel so strongly about it before than I used to."

"Huuuhm... In other words, you've lost interest? You've gotten bored of it?"

".... Close enough... But no. It's much more deep.. Complicated, and darker than that..."

"Heh.. You see, when I was still in high school, I saw it coming."

"I slowly started drifting away from people, my hobbies, everything related to ... I don't know.. Being human.. A teenager.."

"I spent my days doing nothing, simply because I had... No will.. You know? Motivation.. Inspiration.. I started losing them as I grow up."

"So, more like, I lost inspiration to draw more that day. I used to draw everyday as a child, but then everyday turned to other days, other days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months... And months... Turned to years... Until I.."

"Never... Drew anymore.. Simply because I feel no connection to it whatsoever."

"It's as if... Through the years I... Lost everying that makes me human... Feeling happiness, mingling with others, helping others, taking up a challenge, striving to move forward, changing myself for the good.... I don't.. Do those.. Anymore.."

"And I..."




"It's sad how I grew up to be nothing more than a puppet, striving to live just to see another day.. For what? You know.. I.. Feel so lost... Most of all..."

"I feel empty."


"You're still in college, you know, it's already bad news that you're turning emotionally numb at such a young age."

"But you know..."

Saitama approached you slowly, and hugged you tightly and longingly as you remained still.

"I'm here now, so I'm gonna help you, okay?"

"Genos is here, too... In a sense... The two of you are the same, despite having so many differences physically."

"I'm here now, and I have Genos with me. To be honest, ever since then, it hasn't been so lonely.."


"Hehe, I can guarantee you, one day, you'll meet someone like Genos, too. And that person will change things for you."

"So wait until then. I'll help you go through it, because we're the same."

A smile graced his simplistic expression.

"Will... I really? Meet someone like Genos..."

"Haha, I already told you, didn't I?"

"... Thanks, Saitama..."

He unwrapped his arms around you, but his hands still remained on both of your shoulders.

"You're welcome, (Name)."

"(Name)-san, Saitama-sensei? What's this about meeting someone like me?"

Genos entered the room, dropping both grocery bags at hand as he put both of his hand to cover his mouth.


"Ah, no, that's not it, Genos-"

"Yeah, dude, yeesh, you panic too much!"


Genos dashed towards you and pushed Saitama out of the way unconsciously, replacing him as he exaggeratedly dropped both of his mechanical hands on your shoulder, worry gracing his features.

"Ack, no, you butthurt cyborg! NO ONE IS REPLACING YOU!"



Thus, Saitama was on the floor, and you and Genos were shaking each other infinitely.

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