Stolen Shots || Saitama fluff

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"Hey, (Name), can I borrow your phone? I'm bored."

He hollered, plopping his back on the floor only for his vision to end up looking above your bothered expression. He was now laying on your indian-sit position, his head placed on your legs. You huffed at him before feeling your arms shake because of how long you kept a hold of your manga above your head, the cause of the sudden reflex due to his incoming head from a while ago. You raised your brow at his blank expression, mainly because he didn't bother thinking if he disturbed you while you were reading, nor did he think about his affectionate position right now. 


But the irritating feeling somehow faded because of his eyes looking up at yours. He was being adorable now, as usual. This dork was too busy trying to fend off his boredom to see how cute he was acting. Or to your perspective, he really didn't care.

"Tsk, you can't just drop down on my legs like that. You almost hit my manga." You clicked your tongue at him, but he remained unfazed as he kept his eyes on you.

"Eh, but you managed to dodge it, right? As expected of you, (Name)." A grin graces his simplistic features, whether it was a teasing tone, or a innocent one, you couldn't decide.

You felt a warm, squirmy feeling creep within your emotions. Yet you only glared at him for being smooth as fuck. Though it was true, what annoyed you was just the confusing fact that, did he compliment you out of admiration, or simply out of respect for being a formidable opponent for him? Complex, irritating questions inside your head always managed to get on your nerves, 

So you simple waved the thought of before remaining chill, like how you were with him.

"Uh-huh, you're not gonna escape this one with a compliment. But I got over it anyways, here, the phone." 

"Ahah." He responds with a cheeky laugh, his face all brightened up in your eyes. Your heart gripped and choked itself as you internally scream in admiration. 

'Damn, this cute little shit!'

You fished your phone out of your pocket before handing it over to the man on your legs with a child-like smile plastered on his face. He slipped off you with the phone clutched in front of him, the grin he had still not disappearing as he rolled off like a happy-go-lucky idiot that he is. You watched his action with a calm face, even though inside, you were practically squealing over how cute he was. He reminded you of a sushi.

The man never noticed it after all the years he has known you, but you held a slight affection towards him. Not the kind of attraction where you were drawn to him by his muscles and hero attitude, but it was more like you found his idiotic, dorky part adorable and funny.

As you were busy day-dreaming of a time where you can feed the man with lots of food whilst taking a picture of him, Saitama, on the other hand, was too busy fiddling with your phone. 

He swiped on your phone vigoriously, and repetitively, before a sweat trickled down his disappointed expression. 

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