Meeting the Parents || Saiki Kusuo

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Help, author-san is in pain
There's still no season 2, and I can't indulge myself with the manga because the english translate isn't up to date with the latest release
The manga is already at 200 chap but the translated is only at 90+ and I kennat
plis save me from dis despair


"Eh." You grimaced through a low voice, dropping the shake you've been blissfully drinking when your psychic boyfriend just told you something dreadful.

"... That gag is old, (Name), and don't waste the food. Isn't this your favorite?" Saiki nonchalantly lifted a finger up, in which the cup followed and ended up jabbing the inside of your mouth.

You jolted at the contact, groaning at the pain as you sent him an incredulous look.
"But this is too sudden, Saaaikii!"

"You.. You want me to meet your parents? Thats..."

Saiki simply nodded with a mouth-full of coffee jello. Your mood instantly deflated.

"... It's actually amazing how your mood dropped instantly. I'm not even offended."

You moaned lazily in response, sending him a troubled look.

Despite seeing you slump your chin on the table and whine like a baby, Saiki paid no heed as he continued to chew his coffee-jello in pure pleasantry.

"I see no problem, so why are you whining? Do you know how long we've been together?"

Using his psychokinesis, he moved the discarded shake closer to your face, making you acknowledge the chilling dessert.

You catched the straw with your mouth, taking on a relaxed expression. "Let me think..."

A small, almost invisible smile made it to his lips when he saw you forget your troubles while gulping down the chocolatey goodness.

Sighing obliviously, you answered,
"...I dunno, for a long time, I guess?"

"A long time can be just a moment for immortals, you know. Be more specific." His always calm and monotone voice said, yet you saw how his frown deepened.

"Sorry," you said through a sheepish grin,  "I forgot." You followed with a scratch to your cheek.

You sweat-dropped at the way Saiki's already dissatisfied face fell into an abyss of disappointment. You gulped.

Nevertheless, the stoic boy sighed internally, shutting his eyes to rest them. "To be exact, it's been 3 years."

"Uwah, really?" You whistled in awe of his memory.

"I'm surprised you remember, Saiki." You made space for your arms to rest on the wooden surface, the other going up against your cheek for you to lean on.

'Could it be you're one of those kinds that fuss about anniversaries and all?'

Saiki felt like spitting out the coffee he had by his lips, but that would be an overused reaction and an out of character thing for him to do.

"In your dreams, (Name)." He responded to your inner retort cooly, cup still held close to his mouth. "I just happen to have an excellent memory, once I've learned about it, I can't possibly forget."

You hummed in response while watchimg him quietly sip on his coffee. "But why now? To be completely honest, I haven't got a clue on what your parents are like."

Saiki blinked at you and set down the cup, crossing his arms over his chest to lean back comfortably on the soft seat.

"It's because you were still impossibly shy and insecure when it came to people knowing about our relationship, I couldn't just introduce you to my carefree parents out of the blue."

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