Voice || Saiki Kusuo

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I'm sleep deprived for no reason at all. So apologies for the shitty plot I came up with, maybe my brain's finally deteriorating from the continuous sleepless nights-

And it doesn't help that I keep remembering shit trying to wink some sleep in- ventventvent


The house was strangely quiet when night came. You found it annoying how you're still not used to the silence coming from a big family yourself.

What's worse, though, is you can't get a wink of sleep. Your eyes keep springing to wake, and it has become a big problem.

If this continues, who knows what will happen to you.

"Hey, Saiki-san," you call out barely above a whisper.

You called out to him with your mind in an abnormal mantra contradicting your voiceless whisper, hoping that the psychic would hear.

Maybe he wouldnt, it was in the middle of the night after all.

You met- no, much accurately, knew the psychic a while back now. You were a quiet one, and your mother's attitude contradicted with yours.

Right after moving in, you were set on living by yourself. Your mother reluctantly agreed, as she had never seen her kid be so persistent in something.

She introduced you right away to the neighbor, and it happened to be the Saiki family who greeted you with welcome arms and smiles.

Bowing so shamelessly, your mother helplessly begged for their assistance, and you were too used to her spilling out almost everything, it was no surprise that she got to win them to her side with genuine courtesy and intent.

That was the only time you saw him. Heck, you could only glimpse as you were incredibly awkward and shy back then, when it came to meeting strangers, avoiding eye contact does it for you.

Even now. Anxiety is such a bitch.

Everyday was chaos. You felt like you were always on death's door from the things you felt overwhelming.

You'd complain, you'd breakdown, you'd cry out for answers, you'd try to calm yourself down inside.

All the while retaining an empty, blank facade. Friendless you were, and even meeting the psy-user as you ended up in the same highschool as him didn't really help.

You couldn't afford making the same mistakes again. No more do you want to pretend just for the sake of making friends. You had too much going on inside your head already to worry about them.

Alone. You were always alone since the day you decided to get yourself used to this life, something that your past self wouldn't be able to handle.

It's because you've had enough of it all.

Alone with your destructive thoughts, sometimes, his voice would resound.

A normal day it was, you just got home from school. Minding your own business, you tried to settle down your thoughts to prevent yourself from breaking down in front of the gate.

With eyes empty and dull, you simply breathe audibly, and all your thoughts gushed out like a cracked dam finally collapsing its foundation.

'Geez, I can't catch my breath. I think I'm gonna cry. I should. Right now, or I feel like I'll suffocate. No one will see anyway, it's not like they care too. Okay, I can seriously feel it. I'm gonna cry-'

"-Don't," a low voice echoed inside your head, and it only registered to you that there was a presence beside you.

Despite the overwhelming curiosity you hid, you simply turned your head to the possible source of the strange voice.

 Various x reader ||One-shots||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt