Birthday #13

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"And baby i'd rather go blind then to see you walk away from me"


December 21st was today. A Thursday to be exact.

It was Christmas break and the air outside was deathly cold.

A calendar hung on the far wall close to the desk that lined it.

I blew out a breath happy birthday to me.

I whipped the tears that stained my cheeks.


"C'mere" Akim motioned to me from the couch.

I did as he asked placing my self in the middle of his lap my back to his chest.

"Turn around and look at me" he said tapping my thigh with his finger.

I turned around straddling his lap and letting my eyes rest on his.

"You been crying" he questioned.

I shook my head blinking my eyes a few times.

He let his thumb trace over the bottom of my eyes.

He stared at me with a frown on his face.

"What's wrong?"

"Today is my birthday" I said blankly.

His face distorted into sympathy and he mumbled "I'm sorry".

"Don't worry about it you didn't know" I said patting his cheek.

"I know but I feel so bad this is suppose to be a celibration. I never even thought to ask you when your birthday was" he said frowning.

"Its okay" I reassured him.

I glanced at the Christmas tree we had put up a week ago and smiled.

"I can't wait until you see what I got you" I said intertwining are fingers.

He grinned raising me up off his lap and moving me next to him.

He moved over to the tree picking up a small box from under it.

Moving back over to me he handed me the box taking a seat beside me.

"Since its your birthday you get to open your gift early" he said pulling closer towards him.

I smiled untying the bow on the box. It was small black and gold with elegant designs.

Today didn't start off well but having my babe here with me made me feel so much better.

I pulled the top off the box to reveal a small necklace with the name "Akim" in small letters and a heart around it with a key sitting directly over it.

I smiled looking over at him to see he had the same smile as me on his face.

"I got my name so no matter where you go I'm with you. An I put the heart and key because you have my heart and the key to it. Happy twentieth birthday. I love you so much" he told me.

I leaned forward kissing his lip soft and slowly. The tears that came pouring from my eyes just couldn't me held in.

No one had ever told me they loved me. No one had ever loved me. Just to know that he did was mended ever broken part of me.

I had been shattered and felt as if I was worthless before him. When I found him not only did I find love but I found God. Never did I think I would be sitting here wrapped in a beautiful mans arms being told I love you.

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