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The following contents have been removed as Vertigo is published under LIB and is available on bookstores nationwide for just Php 50!

Copyright © LIB Corp

Thank you so much and God bless! :)


"Vertigo" Has officially been released under Life is Beautiful Printing Corp. Its already available on Precious Pages stores for only 99.75 pesos.

Whats the difference between the online version and published version?

-The book version of Vertigo has some additional scenes and the plot holes were fixed. Basically, it is the wayyy better version so please do grab a copy ;) I would really appreciate it. Thank you and hope you'll enjoy the story as much as i enjoyed writing it! :)

-Nagkakatol, Serialsleeper <3

Vertigo  |  Published under LIBTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon