A Pirate's Lullaby

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Reyna quietly opened the door to her cabin and was unsurprised to find her new room mate curled up right where she had left her. She shook Thalia's shoulder to wake her. The girl just rolled over to look up at her, looking a lot more tired then she had a couple minutes ago.

"Here," She muttered and handed her a roll and chunk of ham. The British girl quickly devoured both as Reyna sat down to finish her meal.

"So, what was your crew even doing a month away from England, Redcoat?" She asked and Thalia shrugged.

She was really a sight to behold, one that still made her curious after hearing Thalia's "tragic backstory" as she was sure the sailor would describe it. Eyes the color of thunderclouds on the horizon, glittering dark and dangerous. The color was striking, like any minute she would see lightning flash across the British girl's iris.

"We were transporting food to the colonies and soldiers. Then we were supposed to head back to England," Thalia responded. Reyna looked curious.

"Colonies? You mean the Yankees? They're an interesting bunch aren't they?" She asked and Thalia laughed.

"That's a nice way of putting it," She flipped her hair behind her ears, the inky black locks spilling into her eyes, in such a way that Reyna had to attempt not to stare. Those eyes were inhuman with how they flashed.

The British girl looked almost curious about something else. "How did your sister get to being a Pirate captain? I mean as far I know most Pirate captains are male?" She asked and Reyna shrugged.

"Same way anyone becomes captain. She challenged the former captain to a duel and he lost." Reyna smirked, remembering the incident.

"It was an interesting fight though, she stabbed him in the chest once, which should've killed him, but he got back up. Then she cut his head off, therefore she got the nickname Hylla Twice-kill," Reyna explained and Thalia nodded. She looked down at the cabin floor with a troubled expression. "What's bugging you so much? You look about ready to kick a wall,"

"It's just that... never mind," Thalia averted her eyes downward.

"What?" She asked again and Thalia sighed.

"It's just... well I don't really know something just feels out of place. Don't worry about it, I'm probably just paranoid," She muttered and shook her head. "I'm going back to bed, you should too. With how many wounds I had to bandage I'm surprised you're still standing,"

Reyna rolled her eyes and tried to give the British girl a glare, but she had already resettled, drawing the coat Reyna had lend her over herself like a blanket. Reyna sighed and settled shook her head slightly.

"Well, goodnight to you too." She grumbled and reached out to turn off the lantern. The last thing she heard before the light went out was an amused huff.

The entire ship was dark as it kept its quiet night course, but on the deck, a shadow crept. A shadow with long dark hair and skin like ivory, who, despite their best intentions, was quite loud. With an unnecessary amount of creaks and squeaks from floor boards, and the loud noise the door made upon opening it was surprising they hadn't already been caught.

Reyna blinking blearily in the darkness, what the hell had woken her up. Unfortunately, the lamp was out in the open of the cold, drafty room, and she really didn't want to get out of her comfy cocoon. Besides, it was still completely silent other that Thalia's soft breathing. The pirate girl lay back down and settled onto the cot, the boat rocking silently, carefully lulling her back into an almost sleep-like state; when suddenly she felt something weird run up her spine. She looked up and lashed out to turn the lantern back on just as a loud crash shook the room. 

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