A Friend Says Goodbye

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It was another week before the raid. They had finally caught up with that stupid boat they'd been chasing across the Atlantic, and despite the fact that she had almost lost an arm, the pirate captain still wanted that ship. Reyna had a feeling in her stomach that something bad was going to happen as they approached the ship, Thalia's eyes flashing with excitement. Reyna fiddled with the hilt of her dagger, all traces of her father's blood had long since been wiped clean.

"I'm starting to feel like this is a bad idea," she muttered too quietly for anyone, besides Thalia, to hear.

"Hey, it'll be okay. I've got your back," Thalia said and placed a hand on her shoulder, dark blue eyes glimmering with their own lightning.

"That's not it... just stay close, this doesn't feel right," she mumbled, pulling on her best poker-face. Thalia chewed her lip and played with her dagger as well as they approached the other ship.


As it turned out they had attacked a British war ship fully stocked with soldiers who had their sea legs. In other words, they had made a big mistake. Reyna ducked between the legs of a man twice her size before stabbing him in the back, another tried to come at her from behind, but Thalia was there in an instant, knife flashing through the air with deadly accuracy and speed. He went down before he could cry out. 

"I told you I had a bad feeling about this!" Reyna yelled over the roar of battle. Thalia laughed, a cool, clear laugh that came so naturally from her that it almost made her feel like she wasn't in the middle of battle.

"Are you kidding? I haven't had this much fun in years!" she yelled back and Reyna parried away another English-man's sword. Thalia's once British accent was now so mixed with that of the pirate's and her french roots it sounded like a completely other language.

"Well glad someone's enjoying ripping her former allies to shreds," Reyna muttered under her breath. Thalia didn't seem to hear her as she was dragged in the opposite direction, further into the battle.

Thalia had never felt more alive. The dagger in her hands felt like an extension of her body as she whipped through the dozens of soldiers on the boat, they ducked, screamed, and just out right ran from her and she loved it. She loved the feeling of freedom to do as she wished in battle, to not have to follow strict rules on how to hold a sword and how to do this or that like they had always tried to hold her to. She loved the respect she was given for doing this. Metal against metal, the rip of sword on fabric, the satisfying shink of the blade in human flesh. It was all so alien and yet so familiar. She kicked a man over the side of the boat when she heard the yell.

"AAAAAAAGH!" she whipped around faster then physically possible, and nearly fell over. Reyna stood on the other side of the boat, blood pouring from her left temple as a man raised a blade for the kill. She was to dazed to move, and her dagger was gone. Thalia wasn't sure how she moved, but all she saw was Reyna, and then she was in front of her. Blade risen as it clanked against the other man's. The crew was losing and Hylla was yelling for them to get back to the boat, but Reyna was in no condition to get up or move at all. She barely managed to pull herself into a sitting position, head spinning. As the other pirates made it out they started to close in around them, and as quick as Thalia was, she couldn't take on them all.

"Back off," she snarled, realizing what she had to do. The leader of the group smiled gruesomely.

"Why should I? Little Pirate, you and your crew have killed a lot of my men, I think a couple will suffice as pay back," he growled and advanced. Thalia lowered her sword, letting the point touch the floor.

"Take one step closer and the king will have you executed," she growled deeply, letting her British accent come back. He froze, as did them all, confused.

"Why would I be executed for killing a pirate?" he growled and Thalia reached up, pulling down the collar of her shirt to reveal the Pine tree shaped birthmark on her left collar bone. All of their eyes widened and they backed away.

"Because my name is Thalia Grace, and I am the lost daughter of king Zeus," Thalia answered.

Reyna was dazed, shocked, and in so much pain she was hallucinating. Either that or Thalia had just claimed herself to be a long lost princess from England. The craziest thing was they believed her. Almost immediately they all fell to their knees.

"Your majesty," they all whispered and Thalia sighed, her shoulders slumping. As if on cue Reyna's sister dropped onto the boat, all of the soldiers made for their weapons, but Thalia stopped them.

"Stand down!" she yelled and they backed away, practically trembling. Thalia reached down to lift her up.

"Wh-What?" Reyna mumbled in a dazed, half conscious voice, as she was dragged across the deck to Hylla who tried to take her from Thalia, but she quickly grabbed onto the British princess' coat. "Thalia, what are you? I-I don't," she stuttered out, but Thalia just looked at her sadly, like she'd always known this was coming.

"Relax, Hylla is going to get you back to safety, I don't have time to explain, but listen. I may not see you again, I probably wont, but please promise me that you won't forget me," Thalia muttered gently, and despite hitting her head so hard her eyes were still rattling she suddenly understood. Thalia was leaving her, alone. She was going back to England, where she was secretly a princess.

"N-No! Please Thalia, don't leave me alone," Reyna hissed, gripping onto her coat tighter, but Thalia just smiled softly. Hylla coughed.

"What am I? Chopped liver?" Thalia chose to ignore her.

"I have to, when I get back to England my step mom will throw me out again, I'll get flogged for treason, and get sentenced to prison. Trust me, it isn't a fun experience, but I promise you, if we ever meet again, I'll explain," she whispered, as those were supposed to be comforting thoughts. The mere thought of Thalia-sweet, wild, confident, child-like Thalia-getting flogged or imprisoned made Reyna want to hurl.

Thalia set her in her sister's arms, but gently placed something in her hand before releasing her, and no matter how much she protested, and squirmed, her sister held her tightly and she was swung onto the pirate ship.

"Thalia!" Reyna called back as Thalia just smiled softly, from her position on the British boat. Now that she was looking at it from a distance she saw how out of place the British princess looked. The other Englishmen were clean cut and groomed, their buckles and buttoned shined, not a hair out of place. Thalia on the other hand wore a mismatched large over sized brown coat over a ripped white button down and trousers tucked into a pair of cracked brown boots, a large dagger hanging limply at her side. Her hair stuck out in ever which way, and her eyes had a crazy light to them. Despite all of That she just smiled after her with her usually care-free eyes turning sad.

"Don't forget me!" she yelled as the two ships pulled apart, leaving a member of it's crew behind. Reyna looked down at the thing Thalia had given her, and pressed it close to her chest, trying to ignore the tears streaming down her face.

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