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June 12th 1775,

Reyna couldn't believe her luck. They'd attacked a small supply ship heading for the colonies only to discover that is was packed with British soldiers. On top of that those soldiers in question seemed to be very determined to survive. Reyna spun through the ranks of red soldiers, sight partially obscured by the cloth she wore around her face to conceal her identity. They fell like dominoes, most of them didn't even have time to raise their weapons. Reyna yelled as a blade caught her in the side, she spun around to find herself looking up at a tall British officer. Their face was obscured by their large brimmed hat, but from what Reyna could make out they were young. She smacked the blade away with her own.

"You'll have to do better then that, blood back," she growled at the soldier who's grip tightened on their blade. They didn't speak, instead they just launched them-self at her. She quickly parried and swung her blade around the other side, but the soldier simply switched hands and caught her blade on the tip of hers, spinning around the sword to try to through her off balance. With the speed of a viper Reyna had switched hands and was pressing the soldier backward. The entire battle seemed to fade as the two fenced. The officer was every bit as quick and skilled as Reyna was. Reyna swung towards the soldier who swung their blade down to block it, big mistake. As soon as the swords collided Reyna let the force of her opponent's blade launch the butt of her sword into their skull. They stumbled away, hat askew, but the cloth that hid her own face only allowed her to see a few stray locks of black hair fall from their hat. 

"Ergh," the soldier growled with frustration and swiped their sword down towards Reyna's face. The pirate barely had enough time to move to the side in order to not get her face cut off. She felt the fabric around her face snap and it fluttered to the ground leaving her exposed in front of her opponent. She waited for the shock that they had been fighting a girl. That was always amusing. What she didn't expect was for her opponent to freeze and actually drop their weapon. She blinked as the metal clattered to the deck. She looked up at her opponent. Face still annoyingly obscured by that hat.

"What? Weren't expecting to find a girl under that?!" she growled and launched herself forward for the kill. The solder simply stood frozen, they caught her arm, forcing her blade to stop it's dead descent. They reached up with their free hand and cupped her face. Reyna tried to pull away, but they were strong. They traced the old scar on her temple she'd gotten from that battle two years ago. When she'd lost... her.

"Reyna?" The soldier whispered her name, as if they said it too loud they might get in trouble. Reyna tried to pull herself away from the Red Coat.

"How do you know my name?!" she snarled and the person winced as if she had hit them.

"I guess you wouldn't recognize me now. Not with this uniform," they muttered sadly and slowly retracted their hand from her face to pull off their hat.

Black hair spilled from the hat like ink, falling messily down to the girl's shoulders. It stuck out in every direction like it was trying to find something. Shocking blue eyes stared at her from milky pale skin. Those eyes she had tried so long to forget. She remembered the exact amount of freckles on the girls cheeks and nose, fifty-three and within seconds had counted each one. She was unbelievably attractive, thick lashes and sculpted brows, but there was a seriousness to her face that had never been there before. Reyna forgot how to breath and stopped trying to escape.

"Thalia?!" she choked out and the British red coat grinned, and her entire face lit up. It was the same wild reckless grin that made Reyna's heart flutter. Her stomach did some unnecessary back-flips as she noticed how close the two were. Battle raged around them, people screamed, pirates laughed, fires raged, metal clashed, but all Reyna could see was the British girl in front of her.

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