Bloodstained Promises

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Thalia knew that Reyna was quiet. That was something she had learned a long time ago. Reyna could be carefree, laughing, and happy one minute, and the next be silent as a library and completely stoic. Now Reyna stood at the prow of their new ship, silent as stone and immovable. Her expression was neutral, no emotion even flickered in the depths of her eyes. If that wasn't bad enough, Thalia still had to tell her her decision. Oh god, how do you even tell someone that, when they just lost their sister. Especially someone you love. Thalia's stomach spun in knots at the very thought. Reyna might just turn around and stab her if she even breathed a word of her request. Or she might scream at the top of her lungs at her. Thalia couldn't do it, but she had to, she had to do it, for Jason.

"Reyna," she called quietly and she immediately tensed, wrapping her fingers around her sword hilt and whipping around at the speed of light. Thalia scarcely had time to duck before Reyna could slash her head off. The Pirate captain froze upon realizing who had called her name, and relaxed. The sword tip touched the ground.

"Thalia, I-I," she muttered as the British girl slowly got back to her feet.

"It's fine, I should've given you more warning," she said, holding her hands up in surrender. Reyna sighed.

"No, it's fine. I could've killed you!" she said and Thalia tried for a reassuring smile.

"Ah c'mon, you'd have to try a whole lot harder then that to kill me," she tried to joke, but Reyna just sent her that blank, emotionless stare. Thalia swallowed nervously. "Reyna, seriously, cut yourself some slack. Everyone needs time to recover after-" Reyna cut her off with a sword pointed at her throat, dark eyes glowing with anger.

"Don't." she growled. Thalia took a deep breath, and carefully pushed the blade away from her.

"Reyna, please," she said cautiously, as if she were approaching an injured bird, and not a fully armed Pirate captain.

Reyna slowly released the iron grip on her sword hilt, and let it clatter to the deck. Thalia gently closed the distance between them and enclosed the pirate in a hug, just barely taller then her, but Reyna still took advantage of the height difference, by burying her face in her shoulder.

"I know you're scared, and I know you're hurt. Everyone does, and no one expects you not to be. You're still just a kid, so please don't pretend that you can't feel loss, or grief. Don't shut down your emotions, especially in front of me," Thalia whispered in the shorter girl's ear. Reyna let out a shaky laugh. 

"Emotions are just a set back," she managed to choke out, Thalia just rubbed her back as she trembled.

"Emotions are what make us human. Reyna, I know this is going to be hard for you, but no matter what please stay human," She whispered. Reyna tensed suddenly and tightened her grip on the British girl.

"You say that like you're leaving," she whispered. Thalia laughed bitterly. Reyna's heart dropped in her chest, as an overwhelming numb sensation overtook her. Nothing. She felt nothing as the words spilled from her love's lips.

"Reyna... there's no easy way to say this..." She began, her voice hoarse with emotion, and ragged it held back tears. Reyna felt nothing. She could only listen. A spectator, a lost soul in a shell that she couldn't move. She couldn't scream, couldn't cry. She couldn't feel anger. She couldn't feel sorrow. All she could feel was numb, "but I have to go back..." Thalia whispered. "I have to go back to England. This... all of this has taught me something. Hylla, taught me something."

Please don't do this. She thought. Please....Please...please..

"I have to go back, for him. Hylla gave up everything for you, that's how older sisters are supposed to act and goddamn it I have been an awful sister. Jason needs me... I...I have to give him what Hylla gave you," Thalia said, her voice quivering with unshed tears

No... she though no you don't.

"I know what you're going to say, and I don't want to leave you either, but I have to. Jason, deserves so much better then what I have given him. So I'm going to go back, I'm going to finish my enlistment and get my brother back. If that means that one day we might meet again I just... I... I..." She trailed off as Reyna took a deep breath and carefully extracted herself from Thalia's arms.

"Reyna...?" Thalia asked quietly. Reyna walked into her sister's cabin and returned with a dagger, she pressed it gently into Thalia's hands.

"If you are to go home, take this. It was Hylla's. I won't stop you from being an older sister, but understand this Grace," Reyna's voice was cold, calculated, and emotionless, Thalia felt her heart sink, "If we meet on the field of battle in the future," she paused, there was no sound except the crashing of waves and whipping of wind.

"I will kill you," She said deeply. Thalia stared up at the girl that she loved, now meeting her gaze, with one of no emotion, and darkness.

"Reyna," she said and reached towards her, but in a flash of blinding pain she recoiled, a long, deep gash across her knuckles as Reyna gripped her sword, blood sliding down the tip.

"It's Captain Ramirez-Allreno to you," she spat. Thalia felt her heart shatter across the deck, those dark eyes so devoid of love and nothing was left in her heart. "Go. You are no longer welcome on my ship."

Thalia left, she fled the ship on winged heels, but that cut left a scar. A scar on her hand that was no a reminder of a girl she had loved, it was a promise. A promise she had made an enemy. A promise that if she crossed paths with the pirate girl again, she'd be dead where she stood.

Reyna felt nothing. Nothing, except the own iciness in her chest, she think she used to call something. Whatever it was, it wouldn't leave. Day or night, rain or shine, it was there. And it chilled her. Nothing, nothing could melt it, not even her sister's funeral. They had Hylla's funeral two days after the British soldier had fled the ship. It was on the same island they had buried her mother. Reyna didn't notice much about the weather, only that it was much to nice for a funeral. She stood there for hours after they had buried the body, just staring numbly at the grave stone.

"Here lay the remains of Hylla Twice-Kill, if you dare disturb this grave, you have been warned" Reyna thinks that Hylla would've liked that.

"heh, man. Tell mom and dad that I said hi. I'll probably see you guys soon. Just kidding, I won't see y'all where I'm going," she muttered and sat down next to the stone. Silence. She sighed quietly, she was so sick of the silence. "Listen uh, I know you probably wouldn't approve of what I did to the British kid, but I think it was high time we both learned a lesson. You can't get attached to people, because they just let you down. Like you, and mom, and dad. Especially dad, he was the only one who didn't die for what they thought was a noble cause. You and mom both died trying to save a waste of oxygen. Heh, at least you tried though. Listen Hylla, you and I both know I'm not coming back to this island, so I'm not going to see you again, but you listen. If I'm going to hell, I'm going to fucking take the throne when I get there," she placed a hand on the stone, before standing and tucking her hair into her hat.

"Goodbye sister, if you're lucky this is for the last time," she muttered and left the beach. Silence. Silence. Silence....

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