Human Nature

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"I don't need practice!" Thalia complained to her pirate roommate. Reyna just rolled her eyes.

"Yes you do, you suck at fencing," she said and Thalia pouted.

"I do not! I kept up with you fine on the ship!" she complained and Reyna rolled her eyes.

"Barely, and I tricked you, with your own tricks, twice," she muttered and Thalia crossed her arms, pouting.

"Unfair," she muttered and Reyna sighed.

"Come on Thalia, a little practice never killed anyone, well.... not in the past three months," she said and Thalia muttered under her breath as Reyna handed her a wooden sword for sparring reasons.

"Whatever, but you better make this worth it," she muttered and took up a stance. Reyna carefully positioned herself and held the wooden sword tightly. The next three hours consisted of the constant rhythm of wood against wood, both girls pressing each other hard. They knew their weaknesses, they knew their tricks, they knew their styles. Yet, they were perfectly matched, just as one would gain the upper hand, the other would easily pull it back in their favor. 

Reyna slashed downward, but Thalia rolled out of the way, coming up behind the Pirate, Reyna spun to meet the heavy blow of the wooden sword with her own. Sweat poured Thalia's body as she spun out of the way of another attack, feet barely touching the ground. Reyna gasped for air as her and Thalia danced in and around each other, it seemed to be getting faster and faster, like soon they would actually fly off the deck. Thalia dived to the right to avoid a blow to the right side, rolling as she landed so she came up standing. Reyna was quick though, just as Thalia made it back to her feet she was knocked flat on her back by the Pirate, who quickly kicked away the wooden sword and smashed her shoulders into the ground. Bright blue eyes stared up into starless spheres. Reyna smirked as Thalia's face turned bright red and she tried to ignore the fact that her heart had stopped.

"What was that about not needing practice Red coat?" she asked the dark haired British girl beneath her. Thalia's face was the color of her jacket as she tried to shove the pirate girl off, and found her hands pinned above her head within seconds. Reyna's nose against her own and heart beating at a thousand miles and hour.

"I-I, shut up!" she complained and the Spanish girl just laughed. Dark eyes flashing with humor. Thalia felt a very undignified noise come from her throat and tried to get the girl off in a last attempt to save her dignity (not that she had any to start with). 

The pirate just laughed harder and finally released the British girl, sitting back on her abdomen, Thalia just lay there internally screaming as Reyna attempted to catch her breath. 

"Shut up! Stop laughing!" Thalia complained, but Reyna just continued. Thalia shoved the Pirate over, "You're so immature," she muttered and Reyna almost immediately bounced back to her side.

"That's funny coming from you, miss 'I stole Reyna's Pillow and hid in a broom closet for one hour' Grace," Reyna said referring to the night before. Thalia just laughed.

"True, but you gotta admit it was hilarious to see your face when you finally found me, you looked so pissed," Thalia said between snickers. Reyna rolled her eyes.

"Checkmate, we're both immature, so be it," she said and leaned back against her sweat soaked friend, who didn't object to being used as a pillow.

"If we must fall, then we fall together," she muttered and Reyna knit her eyebrows.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked her British friend.

"It's a quote from one of the books I was forced to study back in England, basically it means that if one of us does something bad and gets caught, we go together," Thalia muttered calmly and stared up at the clouds that passed over head. Reyna frowned, something about what her friend had just said worried her.

"You don't really mean that do you?" she asked and felt her friend's stomach shake in laughter.

"Of course I do, I'm with you to the end kid, even if it's as gruesome as some other Pirates. Your life is my life, your past is my past, your future is my future. Simply put, I'll always show up to save you, because you are mine, and I am yours," Thalia muttered and Reyna still felt like something about that sounded very, very bad, but couldn't put her finger on it.

"Well, glad to know that I now have partial ownership of you, does that mean I can make you got get me food?" she asked and the British girl just laughed.

"You can either use me as a pillow, or make me go get food, I can't do both at the same time," she pointed out, Reyna shrugged.

"True," she sat up and stretched, her friend looking over at her. "Come on Lobster, we need to get in a couple more hours of practice before the daylights up," she muttered and stood, staring down at her British friend who just groaned and rolled over onto her back.

"NooooooooooooOOOOOOoooooOOOOOOOOOoooooOoOOOOOOoooooOoOOoooooo," Thalia whined and Reyna just sighed and picked up her own wooden sword, poking Thalia with it.

"Get, up!" she said and Thalia sighed and stood, picking up her sword reluctantly.

"Meanie," she muttered at the Pirate who just rolled her eyes, the British girl just stuck out her tongue and pulled off her jacket and button down to cool off. Reyna tried not to stare at the other girl's bare stomach and extremely solid muscles. Reyna coughed to try to hide a blush, but Thalia just winked at her, making it worse.

"Okay, not fair, now you're just trying to distract me!" Reyna complained, and humor danced in the other girl's stormy depths.

"Is cooling off being distracting?" she asked innocently and Reyna just glared at the British Pirate.

"Shut up and fight," she muttered and lunged forward, but Thalia had been anticipating her. She sidestepped her attack and elbowed her from behind, eyes blazing with an evil look as she smirked. Reyna stumbled, and before she was able to recover herself Thalia had grabbed her by the back of her collar and knocked her sword away, having dropped her own moments before. She pulled the Spanish girl's face close to hers and Reyna found herself sharing oxygen with the British girl, her body pinned against the soldier's. She smirked as Reyna's cheeks took on a pink glow.

"I think we just tied," Thalia whispered heavily and Reyna swallowed nervously. Her face was so close that she could see every little detail of the teenager's eyes. She could see every little stray hair, every little freckle, every little eyelash, and especially her lips. Reyna suddenly found it hard to breathe and her heart was beating ten times faster.

Ba bum, ba bum, Ba bum, ba bum, Ba bum. Faster and faster. Thalia grinned that wild, reckless grin and Reyna decided whatever this strange, alien feeling in her chest was whenever she was near the red coat was the best feeling in the world.

"Aren't you just the slightest bit concerned about how those two act around each other, Captain?" The sailor asked Hylla, who just laughed as she watched Reyna's face turn the color of the sunset.

"Concerned? Are you kidding Nakomora? I am happy! I mean look at them, have you ever seen Reyna so happy?" she asked and the boy's eye narrowed. Dark hair falling in his face.

"But captain... she's a girl," he muttered and Hylla waved her hand dismissively.

"So what? We have no such rules or restrictions on the seas, if my sister wants to date a girl, or has feelings for one, who am I to argue with something that simply can not be changed? Now, if you've only come in here to tell me things I already know, then you are dismissed," She said and the boy with the eye patch exited slowly, balling his fists.

"If you won't interfere, then I will," he hissed quietly to himself.

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