Shadows of the Past Do Not Predict the Future

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Hey guys, this is it, the end. I know that you're probably disappointed, but hey, I had a good run. Nearly 1k views on wattpad, and over 1k on Archiveofourown. Please leave a comment, as this is your last chance, and my final farewell to this story I honestly did not think I was going to write. Thank you so much for the amazing support from all my lovely readers. I love you guys. I might do a sequel (don't count on it) so this may not be the real end, but it is for me. I'm going to continue to focus my talents on my third story Life Is A Journey, which is a second Theyna work I'm on. It is a band au, so please check it out after you're done with this. -M

Perhaps it was just Reyna fate? No one, seriously, no one has that many people lay their lives for you, in the same way. No one. The first time had been her mother. A storm had come, the ship was shaking and shuddering with every crack of thunder. The lightning had been all the light she had, to see her mother jump in front of her, to keep her from getting impaled by a stray piece of driftwood.

The second had been her friend Gwen. They'd been in a raid aboard a french supply ship, and she'd jumped behind her, to keep a man's spear from catching her in the back. That had two months before she'd met Thalia. She remembered holding her, clutching onto her coat, as the light faded from her eyes.

The third had been Hylla. Sweet, stubborn, arrogant, persistent Hylla. She had the closest thing she'd ever had to parents. Her mother was a distant memory, and her father a mad man. Hylla had always been there. And, then in an instant, she was gone.

Now, it seemed the universe was determined to take away everyone she loved, the exact same way. Thalia stood in front of her, gasping for breath. Her shoulders heaving as blood sprayed down her front. The ship was silent, the ocean itself seemed to hold it's breath.  Thalia spoke, her voice was raspy, filled with something much deeper with pain.

"You. Will. Not. Take her. Away. F-From. Me." Her voice was firm, but still it shook, the amount of blood dripping to the deck made Reyna's own run cold. She didn't even acknowledge she was fighting her restraints. Reyna couldn't feel the tears run down her face, couldn't feel the skin of her wrists and ankles tearing. But she wasn't numb. Not like with Hylla. There was no emptiness. After Hylla's death, everything had faded to background noise. Not this time. It was like an explosion of emotions in her chest, everything snapped into High Dimension detail.

"Thalia..." The blonde boy, who Reyna assumed to be captain, whispered. His eyes were wide with horror, settled on the gaping hole in Thalia's abdomen. Thalia did not waver though, her breathing settled, she appeared to double in size, anger plain in her stormy blue eyes. She grabbed her sword, not even wincing when she touched her wound.

"No, Octavian." she said, "I will not stand by and let them take her." Reyna felt her heart thump against her ribcage, as if attempting to fly out.

"Thalia," she managed to rasp between sobs, but the blue eyed soldier, nor anyone else, gave acknowledgement to her voice. The man who had fired the musket, tensed, anger burning in the depths of his eyes like two flames.

"Should've known you'd try to stop me, Pirate scum. These are your kind. You're no different than they are," he growled at Thalia, who smiled as if he had given her a compliment.

"Exactly," she said and in a flash of blinding speed, the man's head rolled on the deck, no longer attached to his body. His torso fell to the deck with a dull thud. The other soldiers backed away. Thalia bent down and picked up the man's gun. She loaded the musket and glared at the other soldiers.

"This is my ship now, I outrank all of you, and if you so much as look at these pirates the wrong way, you'll meet the same end Ares did." she spat, the soldiers all slunk off, to fearful to respond, or challenge the girl with the crazy gleam in her eyes. All except the captain.

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