Unfeeling Heart

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Thalia was sick of the silence. The entire boat was silent as no one, no one was awake. Thalia groaned and whacked her sword against a wall again. Why did British soldiers have to be so goddamn boring. On the pirate ships it was never quiet. Someone was always awake, someone was moving. Always noise. Now just silence. Thalia sighed quietly and bowed her head. Pirates. Why did it always have to be pirates. She sank down against the wall, she could already feel her eyes stinging, but she was past the point of crying now. It had nearly been two years, she should be over them by now, but it still hurt. Her scars burned from hundreds of battles that felt as if they were fought a lifetime ago. Thalia buried her face in her hands. She had to stop thinking about them, thinking about her. Oh god why did she do that! Why! She should've stayed, should've been there for Rey- no. She couldn't get all worked up, not now. No. She wouldn't say her name, couldn't say her name.

Two years. Two years of regret, denial, fear, training, rebellion, and most of all, mourning. Two years wasn't enough time to get over the biggest mistake she had ever made in her life. She was mad, bitter, and destructive. Not towards the pirate captain, but towards herself. Why?! Why had she done that?! She might as well have killed Hylla herself, for all the good she did. Thalia muttered curses under her breath.

"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid." she grumbled.

"Hope that's not about me," a voice interrupted her and she looked up to meet pale blue eyes.

"Sorry, Octavian, sir, I was just," she began, standing and brushing off her uniform. The Captain held up his hand.

"Relax, you just looked like you needed to be pulled out of your thoughts. You okay?" he asked her. Thalia sighed.

"Do you want the truth, or what you want to hear?" she asked. The Captain laughed. Octavian was okay, he could be a bitch sometimes, but he still listened.

"The truth, cadet," he said.

"Not in the slightest," she whispered to the older blonde boy, "I've had a lot happen in the past couple years."

"Yeah, I heard about the whole Pirate thing, how did you escape?" he asked and Thalia shook her head.

"I didn't. The captain let me go, but not before giving me this," she showed him the scar across her knuckles, that scar that still haunted her dreams at night, which still burned with an evil promise that had reduced the soldier to tears so many times before. Octavian eyed the scar.

"Geez, what did you do?" he asked, Thalia shrugged.

"Told her the truth. Probably the reason why I don't like to share it anymore," she murmured.

"Hmph. Pirates think they're all high and mighty with her plundering, and reckless crews, I swear on her majesty's throne they don't know the difference between a musket and a rifle." he complained and Thalia couldn't stifle a soft laugh. Her crew-mate smiled.

"Listen Thalia, don't let some stupid pirate crew mess this all up for you. You've been your way up through the crew and pretty soon you could be a captain of your own ship. Which is why I came to find you," Octavian extended his hand, a medal held in his palm, gleaming golden in the rising sun. "Will you do me the honor of being my first mate?" he asked and Thalia blinked confusedly.

"B-But sir-" she began, as he cut her off.

"No but's, come on Miss Grace, everyone aboard this ship knows you're the best fighter and can find your way around the ship the easiest. You're the most experienced, pirate or not. After Officer Dakota's death I don't think there's anyone better to take his place. Miss Grace?" he pinned the medal on her uniform and Thalia kept eye contact with him for a moment.

Thalia knew that the captain had been close with the former first mate, but the way he had just said "officer Dakota" with so much affection reminded her almost too much of a certain pirate. Some part of her brain wondered if she was looking at a male version of her after she had left the ship. Guilt stirred in her stomach seeing the grief in the Captain's eyes. The cold exterior, and angry scowl seeming to be permanently sown to his face. Reyna. Her mind whispered and she bowed her head.

"Yes my captain," she said and Octavian nodded, before steering her towards the captain's quarters to discuss plans for their docking.

Reyna was this close to breaking someone's neck. She disliked other pirate crew just as much at the next pirate, but she despised Captain Hades the most. Especially since Hades was holding her favorite three crew members hostage. She now sat in a cave across from the Pirate. He was intimidatingly tall, towering over her at an impressive height of 7ft. His black hair tumbled in a careless halo around his head, partially obscured by a large brimmed velvet black hat. Honey glazed skin, that showed Italian origins and dark eyes that all reminded her of his son. Yes, Nico di angelo, first mate and most loyal member of Reyna's crew was related to this guy. Figures.

"So, I assume you have come to discuss terms?" he asked in a deep tone that reminded her of a Baritone Saxophone. Her hands clenched tightly.

"Cut the pleasantries Hades, just tell me what I have to do to get my crew back!" she snarled and the Italian took a long drag on his cigar, blowing smoke in her face.

"So, impatient, your sister was much more, pleasant company. She knew how to entertain." Reyna grabbed for a sword that wasn't there at the mention of Hylla. After realizing it wasn't there she grabbed the older man by the neck, eyes blazing like coals in a fine. Hades' face turned blue.

"Don't ever talk, about my sister." she hissed, pausing after every word, before releasing him. He coughed, but it quickly turned from coughing to laughter.

"You have your father's fire," he commented and Reyna would've strangled him again, if he didn't stand. "I'll make a deal with you, miss Ramirez-Arellano." he said in a deep baritone.

"What sort of deal?" she asked. He moved over to a wall where a sign of the world was tacked up, several red pins were clustered around Europe and the Americas. 

"There is a British soldier who fights like a pirate. They call him the Royal Guard. No one knows what he looks like or, his name. Only that he fights with a dagger that has the symbol of the amazons on it. He's the best fighter the Royal navy has seen and the reason no one knows what he looks like is because no one has ever survived an encounter with him. The only description ever found called him a demon with blue eyes and the speed of lightning." He turned to her, making eye contact and Reyna felt a shiver go up her spine.

"So he's a ghost story," she asked and Hades shook his head.

"Ghosts don't leave their calling cards," he pulled back the map to show several blood soaked bandages all with a distinctive pattern from whatever wound they had covered. All had a lightning bolt over a rose in blood stained ink. "Ghosts don't brand their victims!" he shouted and a horrible feeling of recognition crept over her. That symbol... a dagger with the amazons symbol. Suddenly her mind flashed to the last day she had ever spent with her former British friend.

"Take this." she had said and gave her, her sister's dagger. Her dagger had had both of those symbols on it. The symbol of the amazons on the blade and the rose and Lightning on the hilt. Reyna swallowed a swell of emotions she hadn't felt in so long. That cold, empty feeling in her chest seemed to grow painfully cold.

"So, what do you want me to do about this, Royal Guard?" she asked and Hades gave her a stare, if looks could kill...

"Bring him to me, alive." he said and extended a hand, "Do we have a deal miss Ramirez-Arellano?" he asked.

Reyna took his hand, "We have a deal," why did those words hurt? She wondered, why did she feel... she didn't understand what this strange feeling of someone clenching her internal organs was. She didn't understand why she felt... guilty? Was that the word? What was happening to her. So what if she was basically dragging someone she used to know to her death, she'd done worse. Besides, as far as she was concerned the other girl deserved it, but still that dark, cold, clenching feeling followed her, and it was just as constant as the beating of her unfeeling heart.

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