Young Love

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If Thalia Grace died right now, she was 100% sure she'd be okay with it. Not many people could say that, but when one is waking up on the floor, limbs tangled and foreheads resting together with their best-friend, it's easy to understand why. Thalia had been dealing solely with the constant struggle between obedience and rebellion for the past two years, and now she had complete freedom to do whatever she wished with her beautiful, strong, confident, beloved best-friend at her side.

Reyna was sure she was already dead when she saw the positions she was in with the British girl. Her cheeks turned bright red, and a sound like dog whimpering escaped her lips. She tried to push herself up and away from the British soldier, but quickly found that her arms and legs were so tangled around the other girl she wasn't quite sure where they were. Every attempt to move them resulted in an even more awkward and embarrassing position. The teasing look from those electric blue eyes was not helping.

"What's wrong pirate? You seem a bit, tied up?" the blue eyed girl savored the last two words, making Reyna's face turn a brighter shade of red.

"Shut up, and help me!" she grumbled, earning a laugh from the freckled teen. Thalia easily kicked her right leg forward, and due to the sheets covering them, along with tangled limbs, Reyna soon found herself pinned beneath the other girl. Thalia's grin was brighter then the sun.

"I think I may have caught myself a little pet," she teased and Reyna was pretty sure her face was about to burst into flames. She attempted to shove the other girl off, only to find her arms pinned above her head, much the same way she had done to Thalia the day before. Thalia's face was so close to hers she could feel the other girl's breath on her cheeks and every hair on the back of her neck stood up straight, her heart beat a million times faster, and her own breathing felt hot. The smirk on Thalia's face was enough to make Reyna melt, especially like this. Eyes staring into their counterparts, Thalia grinned in that ridiculously beautiful way of hers and Reyna's stomach did flip flops.

"Either kiss me or get off, you love sick puppy!" Reyna complained, although her face was still bright red. At that comment Thalia's face suddenly took on a pink glow and she laughed nervously, attempting to carefully shuffle off of Reyna and reclaim at least some of her dignity.

"I-I uh, um," Thalia stuttered out only to suddenly find herself pinned to the floor beneath the pirate.

"Wrong choice!" Reyna declared, grinning down at her British captive who glared halfheartedly at her best-friend. 

"Okay, fine you win, my little pirate. Now what do you plan to do with your prize," Thalia teased the shorter girl, only to quickly find the Pirate's face much too close for her liking, or perhaps it wasn't close enough.

"Oh, I know exactly what I plan to do with you, Mi cielo," she whispered breathily.

Hylla heard a loud bang from her cabin and almost immediately frowned. What had Reyna gotten herself into this time? Sighing she slowly stood and made her way out of the room onto the deck. Many other pirates were in a circle around something she couldn't identify, most of them appeared to be laughing. Hylla rose an eyebrow and carefully poked her head through the crowd to see who was making all of this ruckus.

Thalia stood in the middle of the crowd, face deadpan as she glared at Reyna who was grinning like a five-year-old. Thalia's hair had been put up in pig tails, she had ink written across her face, displaying the word "NERD" in all uppercase letters, done in shaky handwriting Hylla knew all to well. Her coat and uniform had been replaced with what appeared to be the biggest, frilliest dress on the planet. Thalia's left eye twitched as all the other pirates continued to laugh, Hylla joining in.

"I'm going to get you back for this, Ramirez," she grumbled at Reyna, who just laughed harder, wiping tears of laughter from her eyes. Thalia shoved the Pirate out of the way before returning to her, and the other girl's room, leaving Reyna laughing so hard she was crying in the middle of a bunch of other laughing pirates. Thalia secretly tried to hide the smile on her face.

Reyna's laugh was adorable, especially when it was directed at her, like when she walked into the room minutes later to find a very frustrated Thalia struggling to get the hair ties out of her hair and immediately broke into another fit of laughter. The sound was like church bells back in England. Beautiful, and strong, and downright melodic. The sound was so purely Reyna, that it made the British girl's knees melt. The way that her nose scrunched up and her emotions were so open, and unguarded in that instant made Thalia want to stand and kiss the Pirate right there. Of course, Thalia would never do that, it would only make things more awkward, but she still found herself gaping at the dark eyed pirate before her.

"H-Have you never had your hair up before?" Reyna managed to get out between laughs, and Thalia swallowed the lump that had risen in her throat.

"I-I just, It's stuck!" she tried to defend herself. The other girl only smirked and took a few steps forward. She easily pulled the ties out of her friend's messy black hair and Thalia pouted like a child.

"Stuck, eh?" she asked and Thalia shoved her into her cot.

"I loosened it!" she protested and Reyna just laughed again, making Thalia's face turned bright red.

"What are you? Five?" she asked and Thalia responded by throwing her pillow at the pirate.

"Shut your pie hole!" she grumbled, and burrowed into the cot. Reyna chuckled and made her way to sit by the English girl.

"Come on Thalia, you know I'm only kidding," she cooed and poked the soldier in the side. Thalia simply threw the blanket over Reyna's face and stuck her tongue out. Reyna wrapped the blanket around her shoulders and smiled at Thalia. Thalia silently cursed her friend for being able to look so goddamn cute with bed head and a blanket around her shoulders. She seemed to radiate the stupid feeling in Thalia's chest that had gotten this whole mess started.

"I know, but it's not my fault that you're incorrigible." she grumbled and the pirate laughed, throwing the blanket over the other girl's head and ducking her head down to meet her underneath the cover. Thalia's face turning the color of the British army at how close the two's faces were, noses resting against each other, less then an inch of being able to kiss that girl. That girl that made her heart pound with so much more then her body had ever felt before. Her breathing became shaky as she stared into the other girl's playful dark eyes, and felt herself leaning downwards. Reyna's eyes stared back into hers, as she was leaning upward. She felt her own eyes flutter closed, and then with nothing between them except millimeters of air, someone made the first move.

Thalia was sure she must've been struck by lightning. Pure energy filled every part of her body as their lips connected. The other girl wrapped her arms around the British soldier. Her lips were so soft, her body was so strong, and Thalia lost herself in the kiss. Her hands reaching around the other girl to grip her by the back of her coat. Reyna's fingers slipped up to tangle themselves in the other girl's hair. Thalia leaned more into the other girl, taking her by surprise as they found themselves laying on the cot. Thalia, didn't stop though, she didn't think she could if she wanted to. Oh, and she definitely didn't want to. She wanted this to last forever. The feeling of Reyna's lips against hers, the sweet taste of cocoa and something else on Reyna's lips. The other girl's warm, soft fingers slowly tugging at stray locks of the British girl's hair. She made a noise she was sure she never had heard before and Reyna gave a similar response.

Reyna was sure that she had died and gone to heaven. Thalia's lips were so much softer then she could have ever imagined. Her blood hummed through her body at top speed, her heart racing a thousand miles an hour and it was pure heaven. For a few milliseconds the connection between the two girl's lips broke and Reyna sucked in much needed oxygen before immediately going back to attacking the bright eyed girl's lips with her own. The world was spinning, and all that was still was Thalia, beautiful, wild, reckless, Thalia. She loved it, she loved this crazy, beautiful feeling in her chest. This amazingly beautiful feeling that filled every part of Reyna's mind. This feeling that made her want to do wonderfully stupid things with Thalia. This feeling, this feeling was all she needed for the rest of her life. Just her and her red coat, against the world.

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