Family Ties

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Some people say that storms are created by god. Others say they are made of scientific properties. Whatever the case it's clear that storms are powerful forces to be reckoned with. They can bring much needed rain to a place that otherwise would die without it, or they can tear the world apart and make the sky crash around you as everything you've ever loved is ripped from your grasp. Thalia has seen both sides of a storm, but Reyna has only seen the later. She fears storms, not because she doesn't know what they're capable of, but because she knows exactly what they are capable of. The problem though isn't that she is caught in a storm, its that she's found a storm in disguise. The storm has bright eyes and a warm laugh, shes every bit as energetic as a lightning strike and holds the presence of a thunderclap. The problem is Reyna has found a storm in disguise, and she can't help herself from falling in love with it.

Three months later...

"Duck!" A voice yelled as a thunder clap snapped overhead, the boat rocked sickeningly across the waves as Thalia and Reyna clung onto the boat's mast. Reyna ducked just in time to avoid getting hit by a flying piece of wood.

"I knew this was a bad idea!" she yelled above the storm as Thalia desperately finished tying the rigging as the boat narrowly avoided capsizing.

"Don't blame me! Your the ones who decided that you wanted to go after this stupid ship!" she yelled back.

"It's not just a stupid ship!" Reyna shouted back, in mock offense, "it's our new pirate ship Missy, and once we get it think of how much more room we'll have and how much more fancy it'll be and how we will finally be able to sell this old hunk of junk,"

"Hey! I like this old hunk of junk! It brings back memories," Thalia muttered and hugged the mast of the ship, as Reyna laughed.

"Memories of what? Your cousin hurling over the side? Or memories of will almost strangling us for taking Nico past his 'health zone', what about the time that we climbed up to the crow's nest and you nearly hyperventilated?" Reyna started as Thalia's face turned bright red.

"Shut up! I thought we agreed to never mention that again," she buried her face in her coat as Reyna laughed over the dizzying waves.

"Well you know what they always said in grade school, never trust a pirate!" Thalia swatted Reyna's arm, when they heard it, the laughter echoing over the roaring waves and sending chills up Thalia's spine.

"What the heck?" she yelled as Reyna almost immediately tossed her a dagger.

"That would be me dad's way of saying hello," she muttered.

"Your dad? What-" the sea burst as another Pirate ship appeared out of nowhere and rammed into their boat, the captain stood tall and he was unnaturally well groomed for a pirate, but Thalia would've pegged him for being related to Reyna somehow, even without the introduction. He had the same dark eyes, same elegant eyebrows, same soft nose, but Reyna had more of a visible jawline and held herself in a way that was opposite of the man's. Reyna's movements were controlled and tight, while the man's were lose and at ease, like he had all the time in the world. Thalia already didn't like him. Three months aboard a Pirate ship can teach you how to read people, it can also make your hair grow twice it's length and blind you at the worst possible moments. Thalia yelped as her hair whipped around into her eyes as Reyna turned to face her father, another voice breaking over the storm.

"Well I don't recall any cards about a family reunion," Hylla descended the stairs, her sword in hand and moving with a lazy elegance not unlike her fathers' like she was anticipating his moves and calculating them seconds before they actually happened. The man leaped aboard the ship, his dark eyes glistening angrily.

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