Together again

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Thalia had missed the ship dearly. Spending two years advancing through British military had been extremely boring and she had chafed under the rules. Especially after what she had experienced with the pirates. Going from a life with no rules and nothing to worry about to a life where all you had was rules wasn't a fun experience. Reyna had a grin the size of North America as she dragged her British friend to one of the tables and a pile of food was placed down in front of her. 

"Okay, you've had your initiation and all that, now explain!" Reyna begged and Thalia couldn't help, but laugh. Her Pirate friend looked like an over excited five year old.

"Okay fine, but it's a long story mind you," she said as Nico plopped down across from them.

"What's a long story?" he asked and plucked an apple off of her plate and taking a bite. Thalia simply rolled her eyes.

"Good to see you too cousin, glad that you aren't dead as well," she muttered and Nico shrugged.

"Hey, I didn't really think they could kill you. I'd figured you would've escaped before that," he said and Thalia just rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, sure that's why, anyways, Reyna wants to know the whole story about my dad and stuff," she summed up and Nico nodded.

"Oh yeah, she's been bugging me about that one since you left, but I don't exactly know the whole story," he muttered and Thalia just sighed before turning back to Reyna.

"Well, roughly fifteen years ago the King of England was taken by a beautiful actress named Beryl Grace. The Queen however was barren and could have no children so the king had a child with the French Woman. They had a daughter and named her Thalia, but the queen was angry that the king had had a child with another woman. So she cast out the child onto the streets. Beryl and the King had a second child and the king gave him to the Queen as a present to make amends. The Queen was so taken by the boy that she adopted him as her own son and named him Jason. Meanwhile Thalia was growing up on the streets. As she grew older she was captured by palace guards who quickly identified her as the missing Princess thanks to the iconic pine-tree shaped birthmark on her left collar bone. The queen and the young princess made a deal, if the girl worked in the military for ten years she could regain her place and the world would take her back as the proper air to the throne. Of course she ended up joining a pirate crew and not even caring the slightest bit about the British monarchy and being trapped in a twenty year enlistment, only going through with it for her little brother who she scarcely remembers," she summed up and Reyna just stared at her.

"So you really are a British princess," she said and Thalia nodded.

"It's in the royal blood," she said and gestured to her uniform.

"That's," Reyna paused to try and think of a word to describe this. "hard to believe. You don't exactly look or act like royalty," 

Thalia shrugged, "I don't exactly like to behave like that, I much prefer to do things myself. Besides, being royalty is boring, you have so many rules to follow and you can't do anything for yourself. i much prefer to explore the world and fight and conquer." she summed up. Reyna smiled slightly.

"I guess you do have a point there. I personally think Pirate suits you much better than Princess," Reyna said and Thalia laughed.

"I know right!" The British girl took a bite of her food and made a face after swallowing.

"Okay one thing I didn't miss about the Ship was the cooking," she muttered and Reyna laughed.

"That reminds me, we have a couple new members to introduce you to-" Reyna was cut off as a pair of boys walked over.

"Hey Thals, bring us any presents from England?" one asked and Thalia rolled her eyes and handed them her hat.

"Here, enjoy," she muttered and they grinned.

"Thanks Thalia!" the older one yelled and ran off with his brother.

"Glad to see the Stolls are still around," she muttered and Reyna shrugged.

"They are far too quick to be caught," a voice interrupted and Will, the Crew's resident medic, sat down next to Nico.

"Hey Will, it's been a while," Thalia said and shook hands with the older boy.

"Yeah, but you appear to be doing fine on your own. You'll probably want to meet some new crew members," He answered. Reyna sighed, a little put out at getting interrupted.

"Yes, which is what I've been trying to do if you're done interrupting me," she grumbled and Will held his hands up in surrender. Thalia just smirked slightly.

"Alright, so who are these new guys?" she asked and Reyna pointed across the ship to where a boy with messy black hair was laughing with a girl who looked like one of the Indians from the colonies.

"The boy's name is Percy Jackson, he's the run away son of the French King, so you two are kinda in the same boat, and the girl's name is Piper. She was the daughter of a Cherokee Chief, but then one of your military ships captured her and took her as a prisoner of war. We attacked the ship she was being held captive on and she agreed to join us," Reyna summed up and Thalia rose an eyebrow.

"Wait so this Percy kid is a French prince?" she asked and Reyna shrugged.

"About as much as you are the British Princess," Thalia shrugged.

"How long have they been on the crew?" she asked.

"Percy joined about a month after you... er... left, and Piper joined about Six months ago. Her English and French are flawless by now," Reyna played with her braid after mentioning the instance where Thalia had left them to go back to England. She had believed for so long that she was dead that she wanted to kill every British soldier in sight as revenge. Thalia was dead, that's what she had told herself, so she had killed as many as she could so someone, anyone could feel the same sense of loss that she had. So someone could feel the same achingly empty feeling in her heart that she had been trapped with. Now that she had Thalia back and knew she wasn't dead she realized she had killed hundreds of British soldiers. Hundreds of people, with families and lives, and people that cared about them. That thought alone made Reyna's stomach clench in revulsion. She suddenly wanted to punch herself for doing this. For becoming this unfeeling monster.

"Glad to see that you had some company," Thalia muttered and looked at Reyna who seemed deep in thought, her eyebrows knit the same way they had all those nights ago when she had killed her dad, and somehow Thalia still understood without a word. She wrapped an arm around Reyna's waist and gently pulled her close. 

Reyna lay her head on the British girl's shoulder and looked up at her, sending a silent thank you. Thalia just smiled in that annoyingly beautiful way of hers that sent shivers down the Pirate's spine. She had missed Thalia so much that she could barely believe she was back again. She looked so... out of place in her uniform. Thalia had always seemed like a wild spirit, but here she sat in a perfectly up to regulation British red coat uniform. Buttons polished, buckles shined, boots glistening black. Sword perfectly polished up to the point of glowing. However it was Thalia in the uniform, and her hair was a wild untamed mess of black curls and her eyes still spun wildly with their own lightning. Reyna closed her eyes and for a moment, sent a prayer to whatever powers were out there. She had her Red Coat back, and that was all she needed.

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