but Shadows

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Thalia woke up with an unnatural light beaming into her eyes, and her entire body throbbing in pain. A groan escaped the British girl and her eyes slowly opened. She lay on the bed in the captain's quarters, bandages wrapped around her entire midsection. Her eyes burned, as if they'd been set on fire inside her skull. She coughed, and noticed a suspicious red liquid drip from her lips. Somewhere off to her right she saw someone move, but couldn't muster the strength to turn her head towards it. She closed her eyes, desperately trying to remember what had happened. Unfortunately, her mind was too fuzzy, memories of the previous night were as hazy as the fog back home in Britain. 

"You're awake," a voice announced beside her bed, and Thalia just barely fought down a jump.

"and you're annoying, glad we could meet each other," she replied sarcastically, or at least tried to. Her voice cracked halfway through the sentence, making it sound a lot less hostile. The British soldier managed to get her eyes open again, and slowly a young man came into focus. Pale blonde hair fell perfectly combed around the boy's face. Pale, almost white, blue eyes stared at her from behind the yellow curtain. Octavian had always looked so calm and commanding, even when he was drunk, she'd never seen him look like this. Look so... worried. Laughter bubbled up from her chest at the thought, and pain instantly came with it.

"What are you laughing about?!" the captain complained as Thalia tried to get rid of the painful spasm in her back. She grit her teeth tightly, but still managed a smile.

"You look so worried? Who died man?" she choked out between pained gasps. Octavian took on a familiar scowl as he pushed her back in the bed. The pain slowly ebbing back to a deep throb.

"You, idiot," he muttered and Thalia swallowed another laugh, knowing it probably wasn't good for her health.

"What do you mean me? What happened?" she asked and looked over at the blonde young man. He was only a few years older then herself, but he looked at if he were thirty. He looked so tired. So broken and stressed, that part of her wondered who's funeral she had missed. He'd never looked like this before, even after Dakota's death. Now though, he looked exhausted. Octavian sighed.

"How much do you remember?" he asked her and Thalia thought for a moment. Trying to bring forth anything of the event. She had a hazy feeling she'd seen someone she hadn't in a long time, but that must've been a fantasy her mind made up to fill the empty gap.

"Nothing really. All of yesterday is kind of a blur," she confessed and Octavian sighed again. The worry lines deepening around his face.

"We were attacked by Pirates," he began, and suddenly, memories came rushing back. Like ice water they hit her. Every slash, every word, every little detail of the night before came back in such detail Thalia nearly blacked out again. Octavian didn't seem to notice and continued, "I ran out to do what I could, and once the situation seemed handled I came back into the cabin. Only to find you on the floor bleeding to death with the Pirate captain standing over you."

Thalia felt the blood in her veins crush itself. No. Reyna had been captured... which meant.

"Y-You didn't kill them did you?" she asked and the captain shook his head.

"I was waiting for you to wake up. Also... I think you know these pirates. When I came in the room, even though the pirate had obviously been the one to hurt you, she was crying. Hell, you were crying too. The other pirates saw you.. er.. your body and nearly had a heart attack. Unfortunately..." Octavian gave her a dark look, "Thalia, I'm going to ask you to explain exactly who these pirates are. I want you to know, that no matter what, they are still pirates. Even if this is the biggest misunderstanding in the world, the crew will not listen to an order not to kill them." 

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