Chapter 1 - Clumsy shit

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This is the first time I have EVER written a fanfic so I'm sorry if it's shit and I will try and update it whenever I can. If anyone has any ideas please tell me and if you want to help me write it just ask :) here goes nothing...


Imagine being a 15 year old girl. A 15 year old girl who has been scared and lonely all her life, scared of the one person who should love her more than anyone. A 15 year old girl who looks after her disabled mum alone. Well that 15 year old girl is me. Maybe I should introduce myself...

My name is Nakita but everyone calls me Kita or Keat. I moved from Plymouth up to Essex yesterday. I live with my mum and my dog. I guess your wondering why we moved. Well I got bullied horrendously and I was forced to move school and then I got forced to move out of my home town because of them. My mum is disabled and has been since I was about 9, I've cared for her since she was diagnosed with her disability. I'm so glad I moved to Essex, there is so much bad history in Plymouth and my dream school is just a train journey away from here... The Brit School. I dream of being a singer songwriter. I want to help people who have had a bad time of it. I don't look like a pop star though. I have short dark brown straight hair, bright ice blue eyes, I am the average weight I guess but I am a little tall for my age. Anyway I better be on my way to school. I wonder if there will be any cute guys or girls there. Oh did I forget to mention, I'm bi. Okay now I really gotta be off or I will be late.

"MUM! I GOTTA GO!" I shout to my mum from the front door. "Okay Angel, have a great day." "Will do mum, bye!" I say quickly as I shut the door. I walk onto the path and get my phone and headphones out. But me being me had to go and walk into someone because I was trying to get my headphones out instead of looking where I was going. I landed right on my ass and boy did that hurt!

"Oh shit! Fuck I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to walk into you! Oh what a twat am I!? I'm REALLY sorry! Are you okay? I really am..." Just as I was about to finish my sentence I looked up and saw the most beautiful girl you have ever seen! My jaw hit the floor! I was bewildered by this girl! She was gorgeous! I don't know how long I had been stood there for, I lost all sense of time. She's stunning, I've never seen anyone like her! She has light brown hair, shoulder length, crystal clear bright green eyes, a fucking amazing figure and her smile! Ohhhhh god! Those dimples! I got awoken from my daydream by the girl clicking her fingers saying "Babe, I'm fine, honestly! You might wunna close your mouth to, you might catch a fly." Then she giggled, WOW! Her giggle was infectious!

"I'm so sorry, I'm so clumsy! My name's Nakita but you can call me Keat or Kita." I added a cheesy grin on the end. "Hey my name's Jessica but you can call me Jessie or Jess." She pulled me into a hug. Oh my God, I feel like I've died and gone to heaven's arms. There was like an electrical current going through my body. I gasped and at the same time she did. Then she pulled away, to quickly for my liking. She looked deep into my electric blue eyes then quickly looked away. "You've just moved next door to me and I can tell your going to the Brit School, I go there as well. We best start going or we will be late." We started walking to the train station to get to school and we were finding out more about each other. Jess lived next door with her mum, dad and two sisters, Hannah and Rachel. Before we knew it we were at the school gate, Jess was studying acting but we had the same classes all day so she took me to my first lesson.

Today has already been a great day, I made a new friend which I found hard. What else is this day going to hold for me...

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