Chapter 7 - Come back

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This is just a little short chapter to keep you guys going, I hope you like it. Feel free to tell me what you think of it...


Jessie's POV

"NO! KEAT! COME BACK BABY! PLEASE! I NEED YOU! NO! JUST CME BCK! I KNOW YOU CAN, JUST..." "Miss Cornish please calm yourself. We will continue to restrain you until you are calm at which point we will allow you to see Miss Duff!" What the hell is wrong with these people?! CALM?! HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSE TO BE CALM?! I'VE JUST LOST MY GIRLFRIEND FOR FUCK SAKE! I can't stop the river of tears flowing from my eyes. "Come on Jess, com sit with us darling until you calm down." My mum said whilst pulling me into a hug. How long has she been her? "I.. Really... Loved.. Her mum!" I say between sobs. "I know darling I can tell and I know she would of loved you to, I think your calm enough to go in and see her now." I just nod to my mum, get up and go into her room.

I really can't believe I've lost her. I walk over to beside her bed and kneel down so my head is resting on hers. I take her hand in my own and interlock my fingers, just how she liked. She's ice cold, white and emotionless. I want my girlfriend back, the one I had not known long but loved. The on who blushed so easily, was so happy, smiley, cute, funny, my world. Teas are still falling from my eyes whilst  talk to her. "Hey baby, I know you aren't gone yet, you can't be. I know your a joker, there's probably camera's all around, I've worked it out, you can wake up now an we can laugh it off, yeah? lease babe. You can't be gone. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, grow old together. You are the one who makes me laugh, smile, get excited, be happy, feel me, every little good emotion there is. Now you're gone, it's gone with you because you are my everything, you have my heart and you've taken it with you. I don't want it back, it's yours because I know you are gonna wake up any second and say 'Yeah it was a prank'. Come on babe, prove me right. Or are you jut having a long nap, yeah that's it. Your just having a nap aren't you baby..." "Miss Cornish we need to take her now." "Baby, I love you, wake up before they put you in a bag. COME ON BABY! WAKE UP, PLEASE! I LOVE YOU! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE! WAKE UP BABY! I LOVE YOU!" I shout all this as the bastards are pulling me back. I quickly run to her bed side, the tears now not under any control. "I love you Nakita-Shanice Susan Duff and I always will!" I whisper on her lips before kissing them so passionately...

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