Chapter 4 - My first kiss

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"And I hope you don't mind if I kiss you because even though I only met you this morning there's something about you I REALLY like and I have wanted to since you walked into me this morning. Seeing you blush is a slight turn on. Soooooo, do you mind?" OH MY FUCKING GOD! She's bi! She wants to kiss me! Oh my God! If this is a dream I will not open my eyes! Oh shit! I still gotta answer. do I do a little speech like she did first or just say yes? "I REALLY like you to Jess. I mean, who wouldn't? Your hot as fuck, your so cute, kind, caring, I can tell all these things already. There's something about you that I REALLY like to but I can't figure it out. I've wanted to kiss you since this morning. I guess what I'm trying to say is I REALLY like you to and I have been dying to kiss you." Whilst me talking we have somehow got into a position where Jess is somehow sat between my legs facing me with her arms around my neck and mine around her waist. Without hesitation we lean in at the same time and kiss. This moment is just magical! Our lips fit perfectly together and I can taste her strawberry lip balm. I wish time would just freeze and we could live in this moment forever.

We both have to pull back at the same time because we are both gasping for air and our smiles make it impossible for use to kiss anymore. I suddenly become really shy so I look down, giggle and blush like a little girl. Jess puts her finger under my chin to bring my face up with hers. I look deep into her eyes which have by now turned a dark green which for some reason causes me to bite my bottom lip. I swear I heard her moan so I just smirk. "Jess, you are a sensational kisser and I will admit, it was my first kiss and I wouldn't have it any other way." "Hang on babe, you have never kissed anyone before, but your soooooooooo damn good! I never have either. It's getting late and as much as I want to sit her and watch you bite your bottom lip whilst you daydream we need to get back to mine."  With this we both stand up and walk back to Jess'. When we are half way there she grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers which causes a massive smile to take over my face and I can see Jess has the same smile on her own. "Keat?" "Jess?" "Have you ever had a girlfriend?" "No babe, why?" "Because even though I've only known you a day, you can say no obviously because we have only just met, or you just might not have a girlfriend, or maybe..." Jessie starts rabbling on so I place my lips against hers and it only takes her a second to kiss me back. "Babe, your so cute when your nervous. Especially when you blush Jess but please just tell me what you want to say." "Will you be my girlfriend?" I smile and push my lips on hers. "I take that as a yes then?" "Uh huh" Is all I reply. I can't believe Jessica Ellen Cornish is my girlfriend! I bite my lip and instantly her eyes go dark green again but don't change back. With this Jess grabs my hand and we run back to hers.

We burst through the doors to see just her mum and dad sat there because Hannah and Rachel are sleeping out. "Hello darling." "Hey mum." "Hello Mr and Mrs Cornish" "Please call me rose" "And me Steve" You hear Jess' Dad shout. "It's very nice to meet you Rose and Steve, I'm Nakita but please feel free to call me Keat or Kita or anything really." "Mum, Dad me and Keat are going upstairs!" With this Jess grabs my hand again and pulls me upstairs with such urgency. We reach her room and she pulls me in. "What's wrong Je" Before I can finish she has pushed me up against the door and has pushed her lips on mine kissing me with urgency, like I'm her oxygen. Then I feel her tongue across my bottom lip, It was like she was asking me to open my mouth through actions so I do as she asks. She slides her tongue in my mouth with me still pinned against the door. She kisses me with such passion and urgency it's unreal. I gotta admit, it was turning me on, a lot. A moan slips out of my mouth which makes Jess smile so it is impossible to kiss anymore. She then pulls away and whispers with a husky voice "You need to get changed for bed. We will both have to get changed in here, someone's in the bathroom." We go on opposite sides of the room with our backs turned to each other to get changed. When I'm in nothing but my nickers and bra I feel two arms wrap around my waist and a trail of wet kisses on my neck. It was Jessie who was also only wearing her underwear. "I see your ready for bed" She says with her still sexy yet husky voice and then smiles against my neck. She then pushes me on the bed and I see a smirk appear on her face and her eyes are the darkest green... Hang on... Oh shit I'm wet! I've never felt like this before. All I know is I am very turned on, I'm wet as anything and I have a practically naked Jessica Cornish sitting on my crotch...

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