Chapter 17 - What are you up to?

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Jessie's POV

"Babe what the hell are you doing?" I ask kita as I get into my side of the bed. She's been on her phone for about an hour and it's near on 1am! Whenever I ask her she just smirks and says "I know a secret that you don't know" like a child. She knows I've always got to know what's going on! I just let out a groan and she giggles and cooes "Awww baby jealous over a phone? I'll put it away" which she did before snuggling into my chest. "How you feeling now baby?" I ask with a coat of worry lining my throat. She looked up with the cutest smile on her voice and whispers "I'm perfect because I have you." I leave down and catch her soft, plump lips in mine. In just that one kiss alone we sent our love to eachother. it wasn't a heated kiss, it was... PERFECT! Then she pulled away, too quickly for my liking. Then she let a tear fall. I wiped it away and whispered "What's the matter baby?" whilst a tear fell from my own eye.

"I died dint I?" She asked and I nodded yes unable to speak but then... Then she smiled and said. "I saw Grandad... It's hard to explain. I was kinda in heaven but not properly. He was there baby. He knows about us and he loves you Jess and he wants us to be together forever, he said he could see it, he's probably watching us right now. He said he's always watching and listening. he says he misses all of us..." She looked down and mumbled "I miss him, I held him, looked deep into his eyes, smelt him, heard him, he told me to live long and to look after everyone..." Then she looked into my eyes smiling and cupped my cheek and said "He told me to take special care of you and that's what I'm going to do!" I pulled her into a tight hug and whispered "He loves you and I love you, I would if loved to meet him baby." We cuddled down, wrapped in eachother arms and fell into a deep sleep.

3 Weeks Later

Kita's POV

It's finally Jessie's 18th tomorrow, my baby is growing up! I think I'm more excited for her Birthday than she is, she hasn't bought it up once, I think she's forgot to be honest. Little does she know, me, Holly and Claire have planned a surprise birthday for her! All of her friends and family are gonna be here including some of my family and my mates because she gets on with them as well as I do. But there's one more surprise up my sleeve I'm gon- "BABE HOLLY IS ON THE PHONE AND WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" I grab the phone from Jess and peck her on the lips before running off and whispering "Hey holl" "Hey keat, I know it's short notice but do you wunna meet me in town now, we gotta get you a dress" I literally shout "A WHAT?!" "a dress keat, meet me in town in 5, bye" "Bye" oh great. A dress.

I run down the stairs and snake my arms around Jessie's waste and whisper "Ive got to go meet holl baby but I won't be long okay, I love you" "I love you to, hurry back" I run out the door and walk into town before finally finding Holl by topshop. "Hey Babe!" Holl said before pulling me in for a hug. "Hey hun! you alright?" "Yeah you?" "Yeah as long as you don't make me wear a dress." She laughed before saying "But Jess will love it!" She always knows how to twist my arm. I sigh before she dragged me into Topshop. Straight away a dress caught my eye. Bearing in mind I despise dresses this one was just breath taking so I grabbed Holls wrist and pulled her over to the dress. It was a mid thigh, black dress with a low cut front and back. It had two white strips going down the sides and it was just amazing and underneath it were the most gorgeous black heels you have ever seen! I grabbed the dress and shoes and paid for them immediately. Holly looked at me with a shocked expression on her face, it was priceless! She understands my hatred for dresses so I can understand aha!

Once we gig out if the shop we went to Costa and got a drink. then me and Holly decided to go back to Jess', she was fast asleep bless her so me and holl decided to slightly change the plan. Holly crept upstairs and git me some Pj's, make up. straighteners, curlers, phone charger and all my essentials whilst I write a not to Jess... 'Good morning baby, no I'm not home, I stayed with Holly last night! Happy Birthday Baby! You didn't think I had forgot had you? Be ready for 6:30pm because I'm... taking you out and I'll give you your present then. I will be around to pick you up then exactly. Good morning birthday girl, see you soon, I Love You JJ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

I put the note on the table and me and Holl went back to hers and fell freight asleep, tomorrow is gonna be a busy day after all...

Right I hope you've all liked this chapter, it hasn't been proof read so there's probably loads of mistakes, tell me what you think! Baiiii!

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