Chapter 12 - Connie

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I had the best night sleep I have ever done considering the circumstances. It might of been something to do with the fact all my worries are out or I had an almost naked Jessica spooning into my back the whole night and she still hasn't moved. I turn over to face my beauty. The little bit of sunlight made her complexion look amazing, she looked so peaceful like an angel. It's about 10:30am so I thought I better wake her up, I go down stairs and to my surprise Rose and Steve had left already leaving a little not saying they had gone. I made Jess some toast without burning it which is a first and a cuppa tea. I take it up to her with a flower on the side. I put it on the bedside table and kiss her on her neck to wake her up, just as she likes it. She woke up in no time kissing my neck back. "Good morning beautiful, I made you some breakfast." "Good morning baby, awwwww thank you... Hang on! You made toast and didn't burn it! It's a firkin miracle!" "Shut up you! Rose and Steve have left already just so you know." "Okay babe" We both sit down and eat our toast and drink our tea. "What time is it babe?" "It's 11, why?" "SHIT! Connie is coming in 45 minutes!" "Calm down Jess. I'm gonna go start getting ready, Connie knows what I'm like for time keeping. Once I was suppose to ring her at 5 o'clock, yeah at 7 o'clock I still hadn't rang her. Knowing Connie she will come at 12 so just chill babe!" "Okay babe, you made your point but we should start getting ready."

It was 5 to 12 and we had just finished getting ready and having a shower and all that stuff. I was wearing denim shorts with silver studs on and a bright purple tye-dyed crop top and my turquoise vans. I wasn't wearing any make up because I generally could not be assed and I quickly straightened my hair. Jess was looking beautiful in a white skater dress and some white roman sandals, she didn't have any make up on and just straightened her hair to. She looked perfect! The door rang. "I WILL GET IT!" I shouted up to Jess who was on the loo I think. Right as I said, 12 o'clock and Connie was here. I let her in, obviously, I wasn't gonna let her stand outside. "Hey gur" "Hey Keat!" "How have you been?" "I've been great thanks, how have you been? I'm really sorry to hear about... Your Mum, she was an amazing woman and would be so proud of you." Connie has always been caring, she is one od the nicest people I have EVER met, I'm not even joking. She was always there for me when I needed her and still is. My Mum used to get ill a lot and she would be the first one who would message me and would comfort me. She's like my older sister. She really is a truly amazing person, beautiful to, I would kill to look like her. She's another one who could read me like a book. As soon as she mentioned my Mum I felt that lump in my throat and my eye's start to fill. She pulled me into a hug in a split second. "I can't believe she's gone Con, I miss her so much, every second of every day." "It's okay babe, you got us and we are not going anywhere and you know I'm always only a phone call away any time you need to talk and you got your hot ass girlfriend." Even in times like this she makes me giggle, we both pull out of the hug as Jess joins us. "Right you to piss off, I got stuff to do. Babe you can't be back until 7 o'clock and you need to be ready. You need a new outfit, comfy but cute, a meal like thing." "Okay babe." I give Jess a kiss before Con starts singing the whole "Nakita and Jessica sitting in a tree..." rhyme thing. "Shut up Con, your just jealous of my hot ass girl." "True, very true." "Sorry babe, I'm taken" Jess replies. We all start laughing and then Jess pushes us out the door.

"Where we going first? You know this place better than me." "I say we get a day rider, go primark, new look, river island, top shop and that lot and then grab some lunch and sit in the park like the good old times and just have a catch up." "That sounds good to me!" "Okay then!" We both got our day riders, well I kept calling them flo ridas being the joker I am and making lil miss giggles laugh as per usual. We got into town and went primark first and they had nice stuff in, don't get me wrong but not suitable for the occasion. We went into new look and we just kept getting dirty looks of the workers which me and Connie found hilarious. We walked out I the end because we could not stop laughing. We went River Island and there wasn't anything that was me. Much to my disappointment Connie spotted top shop and instantly dragged me in. It's her favourite shop and saying she could spend hours in it would be underestimating her! Seriously man this girl is addicted to it! I really did not wunna co... OH MY GOD! I was the perfect dress and I'm pretty sure Connie did. She dragged me over to it and they had my size. She pulled it out and made me go try it on. It was a little, black, strapless above the knee dress and it was gorgeous! It was simple and plain and very tight fitting. "There's something missing." Connie ran out of the changing room and bought back a chunky black belt with a gold buckle, some chunky old bracelets, big gold hoop earrings and a plain gold chain with a little hear on it. The outfit really was complete. "Oh My God! You looking stunning babe! I... I... I'm speechless!" It was so funny watching he speechless. I got changed back into my other clothes and paid for my new outfit. We went into boots and got some new make up and tuff before we got lunch. We went to subway and got our lunch and then walked to the park.

We got to the park and just sat on the swings eating our subway. It was so peaceful. By this time it was 4:30 and it would take me an hour to get ready. We ate our food and then had a catch up as you do. We were literally talking about and anything and everything, just like old times. Then the conversation turned to my Dad. "Where is he now?" "I don't know but I wish he was burning in hell! He's a fucking prat Connie! He killed my Mum! My own fucking Mum! He stabbed me and he was going to hurt Jess! He can hurt me fine but not my family!" "I know babe, he is a dick to say the least but you don't need him. He's gotta get banged up for life and then you will never have to worry about him anymore." "I hope so." Connie changed the subject, she could tell I did not wunna talk about him. Before we knew it, it was 5:45. "Con, where am I gonna get ready?" "At my hotel room duh! he whole family come down for the night, they wanted to see what it's like down here." "Okay, well I think we better get a move on.

We got to the hotel and I had a shower. I borrowed a dressing gown and somehow I managed to do my make up whilst Connie was doing something with my hair. I let her chose. My make up was natural, mascara, clear lip gloss, brown eye shadow and eye liner. By the time I had done so was Connie. She did two little plaits from the front-one either side-and clipped them at the back so my hair wouldn't get in my way. I got dressed and I put my accessories on and my little black high heels I also bought in top shop and I was ready. I said thank you to Connie and we arranged to meet up again before I got in the taxi and went home. It didn't take long, only 10 minutes. I knocked on the door and Jess opened it immediately. Her face was a picture and to say she looked phenomenal would be an understatement. Boy, tonight is gonna be fun, very fun...

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