Chapter 14 - Nightmares In Reality

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know I've been shit and have updated for months but I have had so much going on and I'm sorry I haven't updated sooner, I hope you can forgive me. Imma start writing again and it'll probably be shit at first but yeah, leave comments of what you think)

I've been with Jess for about 5 months now and it has been the best 5 months of my life, I really think she could be the one. I know im only young but I really do. I love her more than anything, everyone knows about us, all our families and friends and they all approve of us...

"What the hell is that banging at the door?" I think to myself half asleep. Mum will go get it. As per usual I fell back to Sleep until I get a Jessica belly flop me and shout "GOOD MORNING LAZY ASS!" and kiss me so I just groan and tell her to let me sleep but nope. She insisted I get up and whipped the quilt off. Looks like I'm getting up then.

I get up and dressed in 10 minutes and then me and my gorgeous girl go and watch a movie in my room and mess about as per usual. It was a nice summer day, peaceful to, quite and just a nice day but I couldn't get rid of this bad feeling in my stomach. Mum bought me and Jess up some food and sprite and jess and mum were talking and then I got up because I heard something downstairs. Then that noise was followed by a loud band so I turn to mum and Jess in horror and then hear a man shouting "Ive fucking found you now you little bitch! I'm gonna fucking kill you both! Come on, come out and play, daddy's home!" It was Him... He's here...

I find a baseball bat from under my bed and chuck my phone to Jess to ring the police because mum's froze in horror so I tell Jess to keep talking to her whilst calling the police. I look at her and she knows who it is. I hear sirens outside within a minute, just as he bursts through my bedroom door, I go to hit him with my bat as I hear the police burst through the door. But I forgot to protect my body and he hits me, a punch in the face, several in the stomach and then I feel a sharp pain and I look down and see a knife in my stomach and fall to the floor. I see the police burst through the door and restrain him. The last thing I see is my mum crying in a corner and Jess hovering over me crying and begging me not to go and just simply whisper "I Love You Jessica Cornish, don't forget me" before close my eyes... That's the last thing I remember is my gorgeous girls face. I don't know if I'm alive or if I'm dead, am I in heaven or trapped in my head but nothings happening, all I hear is screams and cries...

(I know it's a short one guys but I dunno if anyone's even gonna read it, give me some sign that you are and tell me what you think)

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