Chapter 3 - What a day!

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She was wearing very short denim shorts which made her legs look like they go on for eternity, a turquoise crop top with a gold heart on with 'LOVE' written in silver across it and denim trainers. She looked so fucking hot! I don't know how long I was stood there but I got awoken by my dirty daydream by a Jess clicking her fingers in front of my face... Again. "Babe, you sure your not a frog trying to catch flies because you always have your mouth open" Then she started giggling and so did I, but I started blushing as well. I got an idea, why don't I try returning babe back in my next sentence to see if she's not just calling me it in a friendly way. "Sorry babe, I was in a world of my own" As soon as I said babe I saw this sparkle in her eye, I couldn't work out what I stood for though. Now it was her time to daydream. "Who's the one catching flies now Jess?" This made me laugh and she let out a nervous giggle and even started to blush. She clears her throat before she speaks again. "Keat, do you wunna go out because my house is kind of packed and loud. My sisters are home, my mum, dad and some other family members. I know exactly where we can go." "Yeah that's fine." Jess takes my bag and dumps it inside before shouting to her family that I was there but we were going out.

We start to walk to what looks like a pond, surrounded by nature, it was deserted. It was so beautiful! "So what do you think? I often come here when I want some time to myself but I wanted to share it with you." "It's beautiful, I can't even describe it!" As Jess was walking towards the pond I could or swore she said 'like you'. Probably just my mind playing with me. I followed Jess and we both sat down by the pond. It really was beautiful. "Soooooooooooooo, what do you wunna do? we could play truths?" I gotta admit Jess did scare me when she started to talk. "Yeah, okay" I replied.

"You can start Jess" I really hope she doesn't ask me anything to do with my childhood! "Ummmmm okay, what was your favourite moment of your childhood?" OH FUCK! Just my luck! What am I suppose to say to that? I can't tell her! It will just scare her! It scared me so it will scare her. Now it's all coming back! Don't cry Keat! Just don't! You can relieve the pain later! "Babe what's up? Why are you crying? Have I done something wrong?" Oh shit I'm crying! Great, just fucking great. "No you haven't done anything wrong Jess. But he did." I whispered the last sentence by accident and clearly Jess heard me. "Who's 'he' Keat? What's happened? You can tell me babe, I'm not gonna tell anyone. I'm here for you and I'm never leaving! I only met you today but I feel like I have known you years and it hurts me going your crying." She pulls me in for a hug and keeps me there whilst I'm talking. "But Jess, I don't want to scare you off, he did stuff that never should of happened and I don't want to put my troubles on anyone, especially not you! I feel like I have known you years as well. Which is why I don't want to lose you by telling you what he did." "Please babe, I promise I will not go anywhere! Who is he and what did he do?" "Jess, you have got to be 100% sure you want to know." "I'm 110% sure that I want to know Keat." "Okay, Jess, he is my worst nightmare, the one that scares me more than ANYTHING in this world, he is the one that was suppose to keep me safe but did the opposite. He is my Dad. He is a horrible man Jess. He hurt me and he hurt my Mum. He was a bouncer on a club door, he took steroids so he was a very big, strong, powerful man. He used to attack me and my Mum until my Mum finally kicked him out when I was about two years old. The thing that made my Mum really want to kick him out happened when I was 18 months old. He came in one night from working on the door and like always he had taken loads of steroids. I was in the front room, in my mum's arms and he came in. He... He had a knife and... He was angry... The steroids controlled him... He ran towards us and... He tried to kill me Jess! My own fucking Dad tried to kill me! My mum ran into the bathroom with me in her arms to get away from him. She locked the door and finally he left. He scares me Jess. He's the reason I have nightmares, he's the reason I do what I do." By this time I had completely broken down. I had never told anyone I have known not even a day that before. I couldn't stop crying. Jess was rocking me like a baby in my arms and she started crying, I hated seeing her cry so I got up and hugged her back. We stayed like this for about 5 minutes. I pulled away and Jess broke the silence. "What do you mean the reason why you do what you do babe?" Oh great. "Well there's no point in holding anything back now. I self harm. I feel like I should be dead. My own Dad tried to kill me, I used to get bullied horrendously which is why I moved, I'm ugly and useless." We both started crying again. "Babe, what your Dad did to you was awful and no one deserves to be put through it, bullies are just jealous of you and you are beautiful and far from useless. With this Jess lifts up my sleeve to reveal all my scars. "Do you want to know my last secret I have never told anyone?" I ask with a shaky voice. She nods her head 'yes'. "I'm bi sexual." With this Jess' head shot up in horror. Oh shit! Maybe she's homophobic! Oh great! I did not think this through did I! Seriously just kill me... Hang on why is she smiling? And giggling? What? "What's so funny Cornish?" "Heyyyyy did I say you could call me that?" She raises her eyebrow. "Nope, but am I gonna call you it anyway? Yep." Do you wunna know a secret Keat?" "Uh huh." Oh God she's biting her bottom lip! She brings her mouth close to my ear and whispers "Me too." Talk about shocked! Her voice has turned husky to which is a real turn on. "You want to know another secret babe?" She brings her face in front of mine. I nod 'yes' because I can't speak. "I really like you...."

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