The Nightmare and Powers Revealed

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Lillie's POV
(nightmare) I was out around the barn when I had found out the hydra agents were picking me up today so I decided to say good bye to my mare but some thing wasn't right as she kept laying down at first I thought she had colic so I went back up the house to get her some medicine as we always kept on hand, I walked back to the barn and saw that she had a foal so I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped the foal up and that's when I heard men outside talking to my parents I quick checked on my mare to see she was struggling with getting up I quickly packed my emergency barn bag that had bottles and formula in it and quickly walked back over to the foal and he was standing on his very shakey legs and I smiled at his silky black coat and that's when I saw the bullet shape on his forehead and then I turned to hear guns going off at the house so I quickly grabbed my barn bag and picked up the foal and decided on a name for him on the way back up to the house, "I will call you bullet". I went in the house and put bullet in a blanket like harness so I could carry him easier and grabbed my bags that were by the front door and headed inside and I watched as my parents were dying and I quickly dropped my bags and brought bullet with me and I told my mom it was gonna be ok and I turned to see my dad's pale face I knew he had died, I turned back to my mom and she told me I needed to leave so I told her I loved her and grabbed my bags and headed to the barn to check on my mare tears streaming down my face I walked into the barn and saw that my mare was dying so I quickly set my bags down and unharnessed bullet so he could stand and I walked over to my mare and she weakly whinnied at me and I smiled at her I knew there was nothing I could do so I sat next to her and she put her head in my lap and I started singing to her and she slowly faded away and I started weep more and when I looked over there were three men standing in the barn's door frame and I knew at that time I had to go or they would kill me like they did to my parents I quickly and quietly harnessed bullet and but him on my back and grabbed my barn bag and my suit case and walked with the men to the weird black bullet proof van I stepped inside and put my bags down and unharnessed bullet and sat in the seat and he walked over to me and layed in my lap and we both drifted off to sleep, when I awoke I was in a very dark room and the only warmth I had was from my young foal and I quickly got up and walked over to the bars on the door and asked one of the guards how long I was out and they said two days which ment today was the third day, the guards took me out of my room or cell I don't what to call it and they introduced me to Mr.Strucker and he seemed nice at first until he drove a needle in to my arm and strapped me to a metal table and they had started my first series of injections which caused searing pain and always brought tiredness to me. They drove a needle in to my spine and that's when every thing went black. I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs, bullet came rushing in and he was in his human form I quietly spoke "your going to get caught" as the last word left my mouth Steve and Bruce came running into my room and looked at bullet in shock and then Bruce screamed "who are you and how did you get up here" I spoke up "um that is bullet your yelling at" they both look at us in shock and then Tony and Natasha came in to the room and just stared for a few seconds and then Natasha said "care to fill us in and who, how, what happened" I replied "well it's a very long story" bullet said "but I can tell you our powers" "bullet no" I said

Bullet's POV
Lillie had said no but I kinda of trusted them because they saved my Lillie I ignored her and said " I'm bullet I have mind control I can turn into a human and I can talk to people in both my forms and Lillie's powers are...
dun dun dun cliffhanger haha catch you next chapter don't forget to follow and vote, comment what you think should happen in the next chapter bye bye guys

~Anna R.

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