High school

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Lillie's POV
Well today was my first day of high school and I rode bullet to school when I got there everyone gasped and got out my way and didn't talk to me I didn't really like being ignored and then some of the students started bullying me one in particular was called flash he was really mean then I met a peter he was really nice and I sat by him at lunch sometimes.
( Time lapse)
"How was your first day of high school lillie?" Tony and cli,t asked I told them it was great and I was in all the AP classes and they seemed very easy and I told them about peter.
(time lapse)
Me and bullet were out in central park just walking around and talking about random stuff and then he brought up the field trip that we would be going on soon and how he couldn't come unless he was in his human form so he didn't want to go and he started rambling on and on about it so I told him to drop the subject and then he asked me if I was starting to like peter to admit he was kind of cute but I can't have a boyfriend especially with the parents I have, I told bullet that I liked him only as a friend.
(Time Lapse to field trip)
Well bullet decided not to come so I was alone during the field trip, I sat on the bus alone, and I walked around alone because I didn't want to be near people right now. Then peter asked me if he could take pictures for the school newspaper which I didn't mind and then he walked away, I kept smiling like an idiot then I thought to myself oh my gosh this is what it feels like to have a crush on someone. When we were done with our field tip we went back to school and had to take notes on what we learned which was pretty easy if you were paying attention. I ended up writing 50 facts about what I had learned and got an A+ on note taking score!. I went home and pinned my paper to the fridge so everyone in the tower would know that I was smart.
(time lapse into 3 weeks)
"So guess who asked me out today" I screeched to bullet "peter" he replied. I started smiling but then I frowned he then said "what did you say to him yes or no?" I replied " I told him no I told him I couldn't see him hurt because of me" then he asked how school went and I said great. At dinner I kept fiddling with the meat on my plate and flipped the carrots around I haven't been eating very much because I kept getting called fat and names in that nature, Tony and Nat grew very suspicious of me and were always asking how I was feeling or if I was ok and I told them I was fine. The next day at school flash was really nice to me and then I met a girl named Mary Jane and they asked me to sit with them at lunch so when I the bell rang for lunch I bought my food and started walking to there table and as I was passing peter I slipped on some juice and was about to fall but then I felt some one catch me I quickly looked up and it was peter he also had caught my lunch that had flown into the air I told him thank you and walked to were mj and flash were sitting and I sat across from flash right next to mj and then flash had a tray of food thrown at him and then peter started to walk away with the tray on a string in his hand and as he was walking away he was dragging the tray flash quickly started following after him and we all rushed to see what was going to happen. Peter and flash were about to fight and flash threw a few punches but not a single one of them hit peter, then peter threw one punch and flash flew and then got food dumped on him once again then peter took off I tried to go after him but I was held back by one of mjs friends.
(Time Lapse)
I was kinda upset about what had happened today then I went to the mirror and started silently cursing at myself because I was to "fat" and so I decided to skip dinner and go for a quick jog in the park and then do some stretches and stuff like that after I was a few blocks away from the tower I started getting dizzy so I was being stupid and started to jog faster and then my legs gave way and I collapsed and then I started seeing black dots and then I heard someone talking and then faint sirens of an abulance then I passed out. When I woke up I was blinded by a bright light and tried to cover my eyes but that didn't work so I waited till my eyes adjusted I looked around the room and saw a bunch of stuffed animals and flowers and balloons then a nurse came in asked me different questions and then she told me that I was out for three days I tried to stand up but I couldn't move then she said that I had restraints on so I wouldn't fall out of bed so I asked her if I could see Tony or Nat and then I heard a cough in the corner and it was peter and then clint walked in to the room oh boy was I in a lot of trouble I got yelled at for not eating and drinking water and after a few days I was released from the hospital and I went to school a couple days after. I still couldn't walk so Tony had bought a special saddle for me so bullet could take me to school and make sure that I would eat lunch. But I never did see peter since I was in the hospital.

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