CHAINS (part 1)

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Bullet's POV
We boarded the quin jet with Loki and he kept staring and smiling at me, the jet was over a forest and thats when there was lightning and thunder and that's when Loki looked scared then Tony had said what scared of a little lightning then Loki had said I'm not fond of what follows that's when Thor showed up on top of the jet and Natasha open the back of the jet and revealed Thor and he grabbed Loki and flew out of the jet and Tony went after him and Steve quickly strapped himself in a parachute harness and jumped out of the jet.(a/n I'm not going to put the fight scene in because it would make this chapter way to long), (after the fight). We were on the helicarrier with Thor and Loki and my mind drifted of to Lillie.

Lillie's POV
I woke up in some type of jet and I had some type of chains around my wrists and I tried to get out of them but my struggling only made them tighter, I looked around and saw a few men and then I saw Clint, and he was getting his bow and arrows ready , and another man stepped up to me and grabbed my arm and then the back of the jet opened and I struggled to free my self from the chains and the man but it didn't help at all after a few minutes of me struggling to stand, I winced in pain as we started to walk out of the jet, Clint had shot an arrow at one of the engines and I was now terrified I quickly use all of my strength and freed myself from the man and ran into the Helicarrier and try to find everyone I asked one of the ladies that were in the hall and one of them told me that everyone was in the lab that had Loki's scepter in it and I quickly used my speed and got there in the blink of an eye and everyone was arguing, I stood next to Bruce and Natasha, and I saw bullet was standing next to Steve and Tony and that's when I heard a crash and something blew up in the engine. Bruce, Natasha, and I fell through the floor, I felt a searing pain in my wrists and I looked at them, the chains were gone and my wrists are bleeding really bad, I looked over to see Natasha and she was trapped by a metal tank that had fallen on her leg and Bruce was almost right next to me and he was trying his best to stay calm.

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