anxiety attacks and ptsd

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Lillie's POV
When I saw him I almost screamed, I set the ice cream on the counter and ran up to give him a hug but when I touched Thor he disappeared then right then and there I knew I was having an anxiety attack because an armoured creature flew over my head and the room i was in turned in to a street and people were screaming and running and I saw everyone fighting the aliens and then it flashed to when Thor went back to Asgard and I saw myself screaming and crying in Bruce's arms and then I felt myself come back in to reality as I hit the ground and began to cry and then I realized I was shaking. The first one down the stairs was Clint and he rushed over to me and quickly say next to me and held me and I started crying into his shoulder and chest and then my mind drifted to when my father would comfort me and Clint was doing the same thing my father would when I was upset. About thirty minutes later Clint helped me up and I grabbed the now melted ice cream tub and opened it and started eating it as the others were sitting in the dinning room. Clint and I joined them and then bullet stole what was left of the ice cream. Bruce had spoke up about panic attacks, anxiety attacks and ptsd, he had recommended that I get plenty of rest and listen to calming songs. I went upstairs and sat on bullet's broken balcony and slowly drifted off to sleep. When I woke up it was 9:15 in the morning I took a shower and then got dressed and then I walked down stairs and then I saw Nat and she said that she was going shopping so I tagged along and we went to the mall and I asked her how we were supposed to pay for clothes and she showed me one of Tony's credit cards and she smiled and we spent the day shopping and of course a lot of people had come up to us and wanted hugs and autographs and pictures Nat took it in stride but I was a little shy with talking to strangers but I got used to it. When we got back to the tower Tony was the first to notice we were back and he laughed as me and Nat struggled with the bags from the mall and then Steve came and helped us and me and Nat sorted out every thing and then we put every thing away. I didn't get much sleep because I kept thinking about today and how every one at the mall treated us. I ended up passing out and had the strangest dream and it felt so really I ended up waking up screaming and then my eyes glowed blue....
Hello guys I'm still on a role and posting chapters again haha. thanks so much for the votes and reads/views! any ways what's happening with lillie as she keeps discovering new things and having these panic and anxiety attacks more to come thanks guys- Anna R.

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