New tower

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Bruce's POV
I don't know why some people have to be rude about things I can't tell lillie that I would have to leave and I also just couldn't bare to see her get attached to me and then I end up hurting her I couldn't do that. It was around four in the morning and I was packing my bags. I went to lillie's room and put the note on her night stand and kissed her forehead then walked out of her room. I took my bags and started my way through the streets of New York.
(time lapse)
Lillie's POV
I woke up to a note on my night stand and just about cried when I read it, it read "Dear lillie I don't want you to worry about me I just couldn't bare to see you hurt, I decided that I shouldn't be around people especially you. I will call you when I find a safe place for myself away from people thanks for everything, your friend Bruce." I burst into tears I couldn't understand I knew he would never hurt me I walked down stairs and wiped the tears off my face and made my self a bacon and egg burrito and made bullet some oatmeal with apple slices on the side and left it on the counter. I took my breakfast to my room and when I finished I started to read some of the books Bruce and Nat had bought me a few days ago. I get getting frustrated as I finished almost every book I had in a few hours so I teleported to the first level and took one of Tony's credit cards and teleported to the nearest book store and when I was done there I teleported to the library I ignored all the people that wanted autographs and pictures and I grabbed a few interesting books and checked them out then teleported Tony's credit card back to the tower and then I teleported myself back to my room and just before dinner was ready I finished all of the new books I got so I teleported the library books back to the library with a note that said thank you and I put the ones I purchased on my now over flooding book shelfs and walked downstairs to see a very pissed off Tony and a confused Steve.
I explained that I wanted to read a few books and Tony had said "yeah sure a few you bought how books?" I replied "I bought fifteen and borrowed six from the library why?" he replied "oh well then next time take this credit card with you it's yours so you won't have to steal mine" I replied with a thank you and a hug and then we all sat down to eat dinner and Steve asked were Bruce was and I told him that he left and held the sadness and tears in and then Steve noticed and changed the topic. After dinner I want to my room and laid down on my bed and I couldn't understand why everyone was in a rush to get presents for everyone when I was at the book store, it was around twelve at night and I didn't understand why Nat and pepper brought home a boat load of food but I guess I'll find out tomorrow won't I. I fell asleep around three in the morning and woke up at five because I kept having nightmares so I went and sat on bullets now fixed balcony.
Ok guys I really don't know what to say right now omg I have had in total 482 views/reads and 45 votes in total please share comment and vote thanks, Anna R.

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