Chains part 2

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Natasha's POV
Me, lillie, and Bruce were some were under the lab in the helicarrier and Bruce was trying to stay calm. I noticed that lillie was really close to Bruce and I couldn't move, my leg was caught under a metal tank and I couldn't get my leg free. I slowly and calmly spoke to Bruce and said "I swear we will get out of this, I swear on my life that we will all be fine", he then yelled back "your life" and then looked up at me with dad eyes and then he lost it. I got my leg free and lillie had stood up and we started running from the hulk.

Lillie's POV
Me and Natasha were running from the hulk and I tripped and told her to keep going and that I'd catch up and I did, I ran past her then slowed down so she could catch up, but she was still behind we stopped running as where we were fell silent. Natasha grabbed her gun from its hollister and we continued to walk cautiously and as the path narrowed the hulk showed up and Natasha shot a pressurized pipe to distract him but it only made him angryer, I was in front of Natasha as the path came to a small room and I turned to see Natasha flying into one of the walls and there was no escape for me, I crouched down into a corner and waited for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes and watched the hulk disappear, I quickly stood up which made me really dizzy and I ran towards natasha, she was shaking with fear and pain. She then looked at me then at my wrists and then said "your...wrists..they're bleeding" she stood up and said "go to the nurse" I quickly nodded as she took off to go help find Clint.
(Steve and Tony fix the engine, sorry just would make this chapter way to long)

Lillie's POV

I was now walking in the hall way I had already visited the nurse she put bandages on my wrists which stung really bad and now I decided to talk to Loki. I walked down the hallway and bumped into a man who said his name is Phil colson and we walked together to go talk to Loki he went into a room and when he came back out he had a strange looking gun and then we started walking again, we went into a strange room and Loki was in a circular dome shaped cell, Phil told me to stay in the hallway hold the door for him which I did. After about 8 minutes I heard Phil's gun go off, I stepped inside only to find Phil sitting against the wall and the strange gun in his arms his shirt was covered in blood, I ran over to Phil and asked what happened, he looked at me and said that Loki had stabbed him with his scepter and that he shot Loki after he did so, he told me to call Mr.Fury so I called him and told him where we were and I tried to heal him and tried to take his pain but I couldn't, I asked him how much it hurt and he said "it doesn't hurt I can't really feel it", blood started dripping out of his mouth and Mr. Fury showed up and told me to leave the room which I did as I closed the door and a tear slid down my cheek. I knew he had passed away and I couldn't help him.
(time lapse)
Natasha had shown me my room, Tony have me a cell phone and a laptop which I set on my desk, I didn't leave my room for three days, Loki had gotten away and it was my fault, bullet tried to to talk to me but I pushed him out of my room and locked the door, Jarvis had told me when steve, Natasha, Tony, Clint, bullet, Thor, Bruce, or Mr. Fury were outside my door, I just ignored them. On the fifth day i left my room to find some thing to eat and Steve found me and I tried to run from him but he threw me over his shoulder and brought me the conference room, Steve set me down and closed the door before I could leave and told me to sit down every one looked at me as I went to go sit down, as I sat down Mr. Fury had told us that Loki was planning a war some where in New York and that he had an alien army called the chitauri, I agreed to help and we boarded a strange jet and took off to New York, I took out the phone that Tony gave me and started listening to music I put on elements by Lindsey Stirling and put my ear buds in and turned my volume all the way up and started tuning out every one then my eyes started to glow and I started having a vision....

Hello I'm sorry I have not updated for a while I will try and have chapter eight up tomorrow thanks so much for all the votes and over 200 reads please comment what you think will unfold in the next chapter and also tell me how many chapters should be in this book 10 or 15+ thanks guys.

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