The Hulk, Loki, and Thor

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"Hello dear child I'm Loki of Asgard".
Lillie's POV
The man said his name and from were he was from but I knew he wasn't a good person he had a stick that was gold and had a blue gem on it and he tried putting it on Bullet's chest and bullet quickly spun around and kicked him and he bolted towards the bench Bruce was sitting on, when we were about 10 feet away I jumped off bullet and ran to bruce, I screamed "Bruce there is a very scary man back there named Loki and he tried hurting bullet we need to get back now" as soon as I said that Loki was standing a few feet away from us and Bruce was trying to stay calm and I was having an anxiety attack.

Loki's POV
The girl and the horse ran back to were a man was sitting on the bench so I got closer to see them and it was Dr. Banner and he was breathing heavily and trying to calm down and I saw the horse laying down next to the girl who was having an anxiety attack "this is just to easy" I said and then Dr. Banner looked up at me with green eyes, I kept my distance and started to laugh.

Bruce's POV
I tried to calm down because the other guy would hurt Lillie and bullet, but I couldn't and that's when I looked over at Loki who was laughing and that's when I lost it.

Lillie's POV
Bruce had turned green and Loki walked over towards me and I finally calmed down enough to stand and bullet told me to jump on his back, when I got on his back he stood up and that's when I was face to face with Loki I screamed and told bullet to run and then Bruce had grabbed Loki and threw him across the park and I jumped off bullet and went to go and give him a hug and then he picked me up and smiled he spoke "puny God gone Lillie safe", he gently sat me back down on Bullet's back and we walked back to stark tower after he had changed back and the walk back was silent. He opened the front door and bullet walked in and I said thank you but he kept silent and we walked to the elevator and bullet pressed the button and doors opened immediately and we stepped in and bullet pressed the five button and Bruce just stood there and the elevator went up to the fifth level and the door opened and everyone was passed out on the couches and I giggled and jumped off bullet and he went to his room and came back in his human form in pajamas and told me to go to bed but I couldn't sleep I was scared that Loki would come to the tower, I layed in bed for a while until I started having flash backs to the day of my parents' deaths that's when I got up and went to the sixth level and I went to the kitchen and then I heard a familiar voice it was Bruce he asked me why I was still up and I told him "I can't sleep and I keep having flash backs to the day my parents died" a tear rolled down my face and I walked out and went back to the fifth level and walked into Bullet's room very silently and quickly I walked out and sat on the balcony and thought about every thing that has happened and started singing to calm down and that's when bullet got up from his bed and walked over to me and put his hand on my shoulder and said "everthing is gonna be alright ok we will get through this together I'm here for you ok Lillie and I swear on my life I will protect you ok" I said ok and then he sat next to me and I put my head on his shoulder and started to drift off to sleep and Bruce walked up to the balcony and softly spoke "good night you two see you in the morning" and he walked off and I fell asleep and I was gently awoken by bullet carrying me to my room and he set me on my bed and walked back to his room and I drifted back asleep. I woke up to the sound of yelling and I quickly teleported into the living room were everyone was and they stopped and looked at me and continued to yell at each other and I asked what's wrong and then everyone stopped and looked at me again then Tony had said "Loki is looking for the teseract and he won't stop till he finds it and Clint had to go to S.H.I.E.L.D and help fury with something so in the mean time don't scare The living crap out of us"
Ok I said "what's for breakfast" I heard thunder outside and then a man with blonde hair burst through a window and I started screaming and having an anxiety attack again. Natasha walked over to me and told me to calm down it is just Thor he is from Asgard as well it's ok, What would you like for breakfast I can make you pancakes I reply "what are pancakes".

Natasha's POV
Lillie said "what are pancakes", "trust me you will like them"

Thor's POV
There was young girl named Lillie and a weird creature that changed from man to horse, I yelled "lady Natasha make pop tarts and nice to meet you lady Lillie.

Tony's POV
My phone started to ring and I answered and it was fury.

( Phone call )
( T= Tony ) (F=Fury)
T- Hello fury what do you need?
F- Tony, agent Barton has been hypnotized by loki
T- ok I will tell the team
(End of call)

Tony's POV
"Hey every one um Barton has been hypnotized by Loki and they need Lillie to go on a mission with bullet"
The mission is Lillie and bullet will go under cover as a young couple to see what Loki is planning.

Hello every one haha sorry it took me a while to publish I was just super busy so enjoy the rest of Your day and don't forget to vote and comment what you want to see next.

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