Study Date (Estonia)

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College is a hassle. Between assignments and projects, oral presentations, essays, and cramming for exams; you were really stressed.

Your parents knowing your laziness very well, had bet that you couldn't take all the responsibilities when you moved away from home, and would soon give up as soon as you set foot on the campus.

Of course you were going to prove your parents wrong and put up with struggle. That is until you actually got a fine bitter taste when you completed the first day.

Indeed after a while the fighting spirit attitude had proven to so well through your first two semesters, and you started to get tired-finding anxieties that you hadn't known you had before.

Your financial back up seemed doomed as well, as far as food and payment for textbooks. So college was a big pain in the ass. Luckily, through it all, you weren't alone entirely. Thank God above or you would've been driven insane.


Eduard Von Bock, your Estonian best friend and savior—academically that is—seemed like a light in all that hell. Eduard, hesitantly, became your friend on a partnered assignment your professor had given to you.

"I will be giving you a project that will be due by the end of this month. Now because the amount of work and the quality needed in that amount of time, you will be assigned partners." You grunted in dissatisfaction, listening to the man drone on with directions for the assignment.

You knew you were one of the students who 'lacked' in this class, and most of the smart kids in the classroom weren't so particularly fond of helping their struggling fellow peers, so you weren't looking forward to working with the lot of them.

"Some of you are lacking in some sort of ways. So I've paired you up with some of the strengthened students in the class. The names I call will be paired for the project in this class for the rest of the month, so listen up."

After that the tall statured man called the names of different students; which when their name was called they either looked for the person who looked back at them, groaned, or made any other noise of displeasure. "_____ _____ and Eduard Bock."

It was when you hear your name that your ears perked up and your own eyes looked directly at the front of the row. Pale blonde hair, blue eyes hidden behind wire framed glasses, lanky. You had no trouble spotting him out and neither did the rest of the class, who you heard whispering in seas of lisps behind you.

For an instant you could see out of the corner of his eye, the flicker of his blue orbs on your face, but they were gone as soon as you caught them.

"Now that all of the pairs have been called, I'm going to pass out the packet of information and rubric, so that you're informed of all the expectations that are expected to be met on the criteria."

Your teacher handed out thick stapled packets at the front of the rows telling students to pass them back. "For the rest of class, get with your assigned partner and start discussing what you're going to be doing for the project.

Should you get up? You were sure you saw him look at you a little wearily before, sure you never interacted with him before but hopefully he wasn't cautious because you were "stupid". You decided to stay put, not wanting to be rejected of partner ship like many times before.

It seemed like your professor wouldn't have that seeing as the whole class transitioned to pairs...except you and your partner, Eduard. Your professor looked at you with a twinkle in his beady eyes after seeing no movement from you at all. You already knew what was going to happen.

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