Wake Up in Hetalia Like-Wait WHAT?! (England) Requested by Risa_Chii

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You laid on the bed, flipping through one of your millions of Hetalia mangas, lifting one leg at a time before dropping them on the bed.

You place a pocky stick in your mouth and nimble on it a bit as you flip the page.

"Iggy!!" you squeal, flipping to a page that had the English Personification. You touch the page, and sigh dreamily.

((A/N: don't care if it's not a real word, I'm just a G like dat B/))

You absolutely loved the Hetalia character, you thought he was absolutely perfect. From his messy blonde hair and huge eye brows, to his smoldering emerald green eyes.

Yet he was just an animation, and you were trapped in reality. "I wish I was in Hetalia..." You sighed. You glanced at your alarm clock that was placed neatly on your nightstand.

'3:57am.....' You doubled take, staring at the clock with huge e/c orbs. "3:57am!!" You yelled. "Shut up _____!" your younger brother yelled from the other room. "I'm tryna sleep here!"

You blushed out of embarrassed. "S-Sorry..." you apologized. 'Wasn't it just 4:00pm five minutes ago?' You thought.

~*~ Flashback ~*~

You dashed into the house throwing your backpack onto the couch, grabbing some snacks before running back into your room.

"Manga Time!!!!!" you squealed, grabbing as much Manga as you can carry, before throwing it on the bed.

You jump on the bed, landing on your back with a box of pocky sticks and a book in your hands.

~*~ Flashback End ~*~

"Oh..." you facepalm. Suddenly, there's a knock on your window. You groaned, once you saw who it was. Jeffery Woods, aka, Jeff the Killer.

You walk over to the window, opening it, punching him in the face, and sending him to the ground. "What the fudge are you doing in my window, you creep!!" you whispered harshly.

"Owwwwwww, that flipping hurt ______!!!" He yelled back, causing you to shush him. "You're not getting my wrecking ball CD if that's what you came here for." You stated flatly.

"Girl I have no idea what you're talking about..." he clicked his tongue sassily, picking a piece of grass out of his hair. "Whatever, I don't have time for your twerking fetishes." you sighed.

He opened his mouth, ready to say something, but closing it again. A light shade of red covers his pale cheeks out of embarrassment, as he stands there flabbergasted.

"I.....You....Ugh!! You know what _____-gah!! Just go to sleep!!!" He burst, stalking down the street. You sighed, staring at his retreating figure disappear down the street. "What a drama queen."

Closing the window, you draw the curtains."Well, time to hibernate." You clear the bed of candy wrappers and chip bags, straitening out the blankets, before cutting off the lights.

You made a dive for the bed, which was not a good idea, because well, you knocked the breath out of yourself. "Ugh...not...a...good idea..." You exhaled.

After twisting, turning, flailing, and rolling, you are finally comfortably wrapped in your blankets ready to punch your card in.

"Goodnight Iggy." you said, hugging your manga to your chest, and turning on your side to sleep. Little did you know that that one wish could come true.


"Oh my gosh, where did she come from, aru??"

"She was just....here."

Hetalia one shots (Country x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now