Desserts (Canada)

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The lone Canadian man sat in the chair listening to the other well none countries around him argue, and drone on about what ever they were talking about. They've gotten off subject again. As usual, he was not ever mention because no one knew who he was, or even cared to notice him at all.

He sometimes wondered if he had left and never returned would the even suspect his disappearance? Would they even care to see if he was okay? Wonder to where he had gone? He would've left a long time ago if it wasn't for you. The only person who seems to care for his existence. The only person to acknowledge him.

Even if it was one person, he knew he had someone out there that cared enough for his well being. Now that you were on his mind he decided to check up on you to see how you were doing. He pulled out his phone and started to send you a message. Once he was finished typing all that he needed to say, he sent the message and waited for you reply.

You laid on the couch in one of Canada hokey jerseys and short shorts, playing flappy bird, trying at your utmost to beat your boyfriend, Canada's score......which was 148!! What the fire truck!! How can you make 148 on this game?! It was FRIGGIN impossible!! He must've cheated some how, you mean he was Canadian!!!

Suddenly, just as you were about to pass 58, a message pops up on your screen ruining your attempt to make him pass threw the pipe, and fall to the ground. "WHAT THE FUDGE NUTS!!!!"  You yelled out to no one in particular. After about a minute of flipping out about a text messing up your game, you read the meassage

Mattie: Hey ______ just wanted to say hi and see what you were doing :)

You 'aww'ed at the cute little message he sent but then when back to your pissed off state. You replied to his message, rather quickly, if I might add. After you said all that you thought was needed, you pressed send.

_____: awwe that's so sweet of you Mattie :D but I was the middle of tryna beat you in flappy bird and your cute little message FLUBBED UP MY SCORE!!

Mattie: I-I'm sorry _____ I didn't know :(

_____: it's alright it's not your fault. So how's the meeting going?

He didn't reply back for about a minute, and you knew what was going on. They treated him as if he was transparent. Your heart was filled with guilt at that, you wish he was here so you could hug him or kiss him, to let him know someone was there for him. Your phone went off meaning he had replied to your message.

Mattie: well it's going as usual, everyone is arguing or doing there own thing. Now bringing me up once so ever....

Suddenly you had an idea. You got it from hearing your friend talk about her honeymoon and how it was so sweet.

______: hey how about I'll make you something sweet when you get home. To relax you a little.

Mattie: sounds nice. I miss you.

You couldn't help but squeal at his sweetness. Hell you should already have diabetes dealing with him.

_____: awwe I miss you too!

Mattie: ^_^ alright well I have to go now _____. I'll be home soon. I love you

______: I love you too Mattie <3

After you ended your conversation with those last words, you went strait to Google. You typed in 'Sweets for your lover' and a bunch of websites popped up. Though one actually caught your eye.

You clicked on the link taking you to the page, and your eyes widened. You grinned deviously staring at the instructions on your screen. He was gonna be in for a surprise.

                ~*~ TIME SKIP ~*~

             ( RAWR )> ( >0< )  _____   

                                 _/   _/     /___\___

They blonde hair Canadian man walked up to his door step, sticking his key into the lock and opening the door. Walking into the dim room he grew confused as to why the room was dark and why you were in the living room as you usually were.

He was about to call for you, when he noticed a small slip of paper on the coffee table that had his name on it. It was written in meat cursive writing along with the rest of the note as he opened it.

Dear Mattie,

  I'm in our bed room, be ready for a surprise ;)



After reading it, he approached cautiously toward the end of the hallway. He stopped in front of the white door that had his "surpise" behind it waiting for him. He hesitantly grabbed the door knob, slowly twisting open to be met by the sweet smell of whip cream and syrup?

As soon as he walked into the room, his face was shaded a million shades of red staring at the sight in front of him. The room was dim, only lit by a couple of scented candles. The one thing that stood out to him was that you were laid out on the bed, naked with whipped cream covering parts of your body.

"Welcome home Mattie.~" you say in a sing signed voice. His glasses were crooked at his face was set ablaze.

"O-oh maple..."


A/N: Just to make it clear, I dislike your effect on me Jalyn....T_T I hope you enjoy my Discomfort!!!!


That is all. Have a super fantastic awesome splendid amazing day guys!! xx

~Mrs. Uzumaki

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