Stay with me (Romano)

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Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand

But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man

These nights never seem to go to plan

I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?


You stare sadly at the sleeping man next to you. You didn't want him to but you knew he was going to leave you after his beautiful golden eyes opened.

You wanted, just once, for him to stay with you. Just one. But it was useless to wish that when you've been doing it since the first day you've met with him.

You sighed and just turned on your side, hopefully if you could go back to sleep, it would just hurt less when the spot next to you excluded him.

And it only hurt more, when you felt him move behind you.

His groans were the only sound echoed in the dark room. There was shifting in the bed, before the springs made an eerie squeaking noise signaling he had gotten up.

Even though you wanted to jump up and wrap your arms around him, begging for him to stay with you, you kept your eyes closed.

His deep throaty chuckle made your ears tweaks, attracted to the sound.

"______, I know you're not asleep. You're not even breathing."

You could feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment but thanked that the darkness hid your flushing state. You slowly opened your e/c eyes to meet his.

"Why did you try to fake sleep?" He asked crossing his arms over his shirtless torso.

"I...nothing..." you turner over on your other side, back facing him.

Hands grasp around your around waist, turning you around; your head still was turned away. "_____..." You look at him, and sigh.

"I want you to stay...but your gonna leave anyway." He sighed heavily, turning your face to look his way.

"Look, ______, you know I'll be back tonight. I always come back. I just have things to do."

"That's what you always say..."

"Jesus ____, I'm not having this conversation with you."

You turned around again, not wanting him to see the tears in your eyes. "Whatever. Just go."

He let out a breath of frustration. You could tell he was picking up his clothing, because you could hear the clanking of his belt buckle.

"I'll....Be back." The door shut and you were left with silence.


Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me


He didn't understand why you were upset. After all, why would it matter if if he didn't stay? He was in fact coming back.

Maybe she was that way because women were just sensitive. He sighed, staring at the road ahead, gripping the steering wheel.

He tried to clear his thoughts but he was too bother by the questions.

Stay with me?

He would, of course he would. He didn't know why you thought that; then it clicked.

You were alone. And you hated that the most.

Quickly, making a sharp you turn that shook his car a little, he drove back down the street to you.


Why am I so emotional?

No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control

And deep down I know this never works

But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt


Still in the same spot as before, bundled into your warm blankets, you decided it would just be best to not think about it; to just fall asleep again.

Just as you were closing your eyes, the loud slam of your front door quickly drew your attention to your door frame.

Your eyes widened when heavy footsteps made their way closer to you. You were scared to say the least, who could be bombarding your house like that.

The only one who had another key was...

"Lovi..." you stared at the breathless Italian man in front of you. He was flustered and seemed to be out of breath from running.

Why did he come back? Did he leave something?

"Wha-What are you doing-" He cut of your words as he connected his lips to your, arms wrapping around your small body.

"L-Lovi..." He smiled at you, moving his for head against yours. "I'll stay with you _____." Those words brought tears to your eyes as you smiled widely.

You wrapped your arms yound his torso, head buried in his chest. He smiled down at your figure, kissing your h/c colored head.

I'll stay with you...


Oh, won't you stay with me?

'Cause you're all I need

This ain't love, it's clear to see

But darling, stay with me


A/N: Guess what guys!!! yup I updated.....well you're reading this right now so....yeasts. yup. yeasts B)


ANNNNNNNNYWHORES I would like to say thank you for all the votes and comments you've all been so generously to contribute.

It *sniff* makes makes me so happy *sniff sniff* that. you guys care SO MUCH!! X'>

Yeah but in all seriousness, thanks guys!!

Okay I'm gonna cut this short and start doing the other ones. Also since people have been wanting to know what songs I use I'll start putting them down in the note section.

well that's all I need to say and if you read my message board you'll understand my lack of updating.

Song- Stay with me by Sam Smith


Have a super, fantastic, awesome, splendid, amazing day!! xx

~Mrs. Uzumaki

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